Food 4 Thought Friday

Food 4 Thought Friday ~
This week's questions courtesy of Jodi

Would you rather be really hot or really cold? Definitely hot - I hate the cold!

Name three things (modern conveniences) you could not live without? Well - I guess I could live without any modern conveniences - but I would rather not live without my refrigerator, telephone, and flush toliets!

If you were the eighth dwarf, what would your name be?
Frazzled of course!

Midnight Snack
Would you rather live to be 100 and sick, or live to be 50 (dying from a freak accident) and healthy?
I would MUCH rather die early. Having experienced the loss of a loved one early in life as well as caring for someone who is elderly and sick I feel that the decision is easy. Dying early is hard, but living life while sick day after day, month after month,year after year is much harder - not only on yourself but also on all of your love ones.

Recipe for this Week (instead of your recipe for life - what is it for just this week?)
Just to survive - and try to smile.

PLEASE PLAY !!!! Come on you know you want to!


Jodi said…
Your Midnight Snack was VERY thought least for me having experienced taking care of someone young that was really sick. I still am sticking with wanting to just get old AND healthy! Think they will take my order for that one??? lol

Frazzled is too funny!!!!!

Thanks for playing!

I JUST love your little family stick figures! I am still laughing at, Bob!!!! Myrna????? Serious!!! Too funny!

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