Great Saturday
I had a GREAT Saturday. First of all it was November 1st - and it was perfect weather! 

Our ward had the opportunity to play volleyball in a region tournament, which is fun, but the best part was that two of the teams in our pool play had to forfiet, so the only team we got to play was the 17th ward - a team we have played many times since they are in our stake, and we know and love all of the players! It was such a fun, fun game! (A fact that was made only slightly better since we WON!)

Jody was such a sport that she put up with my whining and only made me run 2.5 miles.

In the afternoon I got a well deserved nap with my adorable Kalel, and when we woke up we got to play. Kalel decided he wanted to be a cowboy with his Grandpa "Bob".

The very BEST part of the day - two wonderful friends brought me treats! First Heidi made me this delicious chocolate cake and pumpkin bars(notice two of the pieces are already missing).

and Jen and Janzen brought over this bottle of applesauce, still hot from processing.
What a GREAT day!
HEY I am having a contest on my blog so stop by and enter. You will LOVE THE prize I promise!!!! Invite your readers too!