Forgotten Carols

What a GRAND pre-Christmas surprize! Tasha and Shandra made arrangements and bought tickets for our family to see Micheal McLean's Forgotten Carols!
We have gone to see the Forgotten Carols several times as a family in the past and each time we are inspired and awed by the performance. I feel that this production is a perfect way to start off the holiday season and was feeling a little disappointed that we weren't going to be able to make it this year. Kim and I were thrilled and suprised when the girls presented us with the tickets!

Micheal McLean is a wonderful lyricist and composer who has a knack for creating songs that touch your heart in many ways. I think that my favorite song from the production is entitled, "Arise and Shine Forth". It is a beautiful song of our Savior.

I found this video of the song. (You will have to scroll down and pause my playlist in order to hear it)

We had a WONDERFUL evening! Enjoyed great music, shed a few tears, and laughed until our tummies hurt.


Mel said…
I'm so excited for you! I love Forgotten Carols and Michael Mclean. Luckily, he always does a show down here and we go every year. This year it's just days before Christmas. It really helps you to remember what Christmas is all about.
Chelsea said…
I've never seen that but have heard many wonderful things about it. I'm glad you had fun. What a thoughtful thing for your girls to do.
Jen said…
What good girls you have. I will admit that I have never seen it, but have heard some of the songs. Someday....

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