Forgotten Carols
What a GRAND pre-Christmas surprize! Tasha and Shandra made arrangements and bought tickets for our family to see Micheal McLean's Forgotten Carols!
We have gone to see the Forgotten Carols several times as a family in the past and each time we are inspired and awed by the performance. I feel that this production is a perfect way to start off the holiday season and was feeling a little disappointed that we weren't going to be able to make it this year. Kim and I were thrilled and suprised when the girls presented us with the tickets!
We had a WONDERFUL evening! Enjoyed great music, shed a few tears, and laughed until our tummies hurt.

Micheal McLean is a wonderful lyricist and composer who has a knack for creating songs that touch your heart in many ways. I think that my favorite song from the production is entitled, "Arise and Shine Forth". It is a beautiful song of our Savior.
I found this video of the song. (You will have to scroll down and pause my playlist in order to hear it)
We had a WONDERFUL evening! Enjoyed great music, shed a few tears, and laughed until our tummies hurt.