Food 4 Thought Friday

Feel free to play along for some yummy fun! Jodi posts a new one each Thursday night for those that are on a different time zone. JOIN IN!!!Food 4 Thought Friday ~ This week's questions
What is the most interesting car you have ever owned and why?
My first car was a 1970 Dogde Dart.

What book are you currently reading?
I'm currently on volume 4 of The Work and The Glory Series. I have read the series before but since I forget so much, I like to re-read books!

Did you have any pets growing up?
For awhile we had a half german shepard/half wolf named Charlie. He was a wonderful pet, loved people. My dad used to say that if a burger ever broke in Charlie would be so excited to have a new friend that he would like them to death! However, Charlie had an extreme dislike for other dogs. One morning someone was walking their dog when Charlie jumped our fence and attacked the dog. Needless to say we had to put him down.

When I was sixteen my mom found an ad in the paper for white german shepard puppies and and encouraged me to get one. Trish was the most intellegent dog I have ever seen! She trained herself to do just about everything. She lived with my parents until she got arthitis so bad that my mom had to carry her outside to go to the bathroom.

Midnight Snack
How do you unwind at night?
After spending time doing meaningless stuff on the computer, I like to turn on the old sitcoms on Nick at Night. For some reason (maybe because they are so boring) I usually fall asleep!

Recipe of the Week
(instead of your recipe for life what is it just for the week?)
Try to make wise decisions!


Jodi said…
Thanks for playing along! I love those old shows on Nick too! Esp the Brady Bunch or Lucy...are they still even on??? I usually fall asleep at the computer! JK!

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