Food 4 Thought Friday

Feel free to play along for some yummy fun!
If your job made you move, but you could choose which country you would be living in, which country would you choose and why?
Definitely somewhere tropical - The Cayman Islands would be nice! Although I would have to have food flown in because I hate seafood.
Do you have any phobias?
Heights and driving in bad weather.
What is something you can't help but spend money on?
Ummm, nothing specific comes to mind. I just spend too much money on everything I guess.
Midnight Snack
What profession/job did your parent(s) have while you were growing up?
My dad was a machinist and my mom stayed home until we were all grown, and then she got a job at the jewelry counter at K-Mart. She loved that job, and we got lots of great presents! For awhile mom had all of the daily newspapers delivered to our house where the boys would pick them up for their routes. For many years our house was crawling with boys, and even after they got older, the boys just kept hanging out. I'm sure the fact that that I have 3 very cute little sisters didn't hurt!
Recipe of the Week
(instead of your recipe for life what is it just for the week?)
To try to take one day at a time and to remember to be grateful for my blessings.