Where Did the Summer Go?

This year, I have done none of that! What was I thinking - starting college in summer semester? I must have been crazy!
Here is the good news - I not only survived but did pretty darn good for an old lady who hasn't studied for years and years! I'm very happy with my grades, and even more than that, I'm very happy to be learning again. I like exercising my brain. This semester without a doubt was the hardest thing I have ever done (with the obvious exception of losing BJ).
I worked harder than I have ever worked before - in fact, Tasha said that I was becoming a "study-a-holic" because I literally studied 2-4 hours a day, and sometimes more! However, every hour that I devoted to studying has been worth it. I feel such a sense of accomplishment - and even a desire to continue. I'm so glad that I decided to return to school.
Bubba discovered worms! YUCK!
We celebrated Tasha's 19th birthday by going to dinner at Olive Garden. Her very best present was a box of rocks!
She really did get a box of rocks - and she was thrilled! Actually there was some money included in the box - the rocks represented massage stones. She has special stones picked out, so we just gave her the money to buy them. I'm hoping that she will try them out on me soon!
Kim's parents celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary! They are such a cute couple! Kristiann made them the beautiful quilt as a gift. They had a big open house and many friends and family came to celebrate with them.
So, during the my break for next couple of weeks, I will try to catch up on all of the things that have gone on this summer (even the ones without me).

With all of the wet weather in the early part of the summer, worms were extremely plentiful! Bubba found that he LIKED playing with those nasty, squirming, disgusting creatures!

Kim's parents celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary! They are such a cute couple! Kristiann made them the beautiful quilt as a gift. They had a big open house and many friends and family came to celebrate with them.

More updates to follow . . . .