Let's Go Fly a Kite!

Friday evening Kim came into the house and said, "let's go fly kites!" I had been diligently studying for hours so I decided that a kite-flying break was just what I needed! We grabbed our jackets and kites and headed for the park.

The wind was just perfect for Bubba-type flying (i.e. flying low)! All we had to do was throw into the air, and it would take off. A great time was had by all!

Bubba had a terrific time! He especially liked to jump up and try to catch the kite-tails as they flitted just out of his reach.


Doran & Jody said…
How fun! Did he not see that garbage can? LOL
Jen said…
How nice that you were able to take a break and go have some fun with the fam! And your title makes me want to sing some Mary Poppin's stuff!

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