It was great! We read stories, watched Christmas movies, and made cookies for Santa. Tia (Tasha) and Bubba then escaped upstairs to sleep while Kim, Shandra, and I waited for Santa. We took up a tiny Christmas tree, so all of the presents went under the tree. (Actually, we placed the tree on top of the presents). It was funny because almost all of the presents this year were wrapped in Dr. Pepper boxes! I had been saving the boxes just for that purpose.

On Christmas morning, after all of the ooohing and aaahing of each gift, we packed up and drove back to Brigham to visit the Olsen family and take Bubba to his dad. We visited for a couple of hours, then we drove back up to Wolf Creek. Bubba stayed with his dad.

So, the four of us, Kim, Shandra, Tasha, and I spent the next 3 days at the condo. It was wonderful! We played tons of games. Our favorite this year was Pictionary, an old favorite. We laughed, and laughed, and laughed! We watched the Librarian trilogy and a marathon of Criminal Minds. We stayed up too late, ate too much, and had a BLAST! It was so good to relax like that.

On Sunday, since we (okay, I) forgot to grab church clothes, we had a nice devotional in the condo. We listened to President Uchtdorf's Christmas message and some messages from on finding the light. I then bore my testimony about Christ and seeing BJ again. It was nice. Not exactly a church service, but better than nothing.
Some of my favorite statements from Bubba at the condo:
*while making cookies for Santa, Kim started making faces at Bubba. Bubba pointed his finger at Kim and said, "Papa Bob, Santa is watching you! You better be nice!"
*upon seeing his filled Christmas stocking, "M&M's, in a candy cane, just what I always wanted!"
*Bubba was "reading" us a storybook. He turned to a picture of the Baby Jesus and said "and then got lost cuz his Mother Mary was leeeaaving"