Nursing School Fun
When I started nursing school I assumed that it would be hard, and I assumed that I would have the opportunity to meet some new people. Honestly, I was hoping that they would like me and that I would fit in with the other students. What I didn't know is that this great group of people would become my new "family"! In the past 8 months I have spent more time with them than I have my "real" family! We have learned together, eaten together, laughed and cried together, worked together, and of course, we have studied together - A LOT! I couldn't survive this ordeal without them - and I love them! We have formed great friendships and I'm so grateful to share this time with them.

Brynanne, Michael, Scott, Kale, Branigun, Natalie, Corby, JennaLee, Rondi, Lacie, Brooke, Karen, Derek, Heather, Michael and of course - Dee!
Here we are learning how to teach patients to walk with crutches

Jaclyn, and Nicole

Learning how to do IVs
This has been a GREAT experience so far!
Here's to the next 12 months!
That last picture looks like the "dummy" was in a lot of pain.