Food 4 Thought Friday

Food 4 Thought Friday ~
This week's questions: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Breakfast: What are you wishing was over?
I'm tempted to say that I wish that school was over, but I don't really think that is true. I love school. I love learning, and I am honestly a little nervous to see what the future will bring once it is over. So, that is not my answer today.
So, here is my philosophical answer for the question, I wish that life with all of the temptations and heartaches and sickness and hurt were over. I am seriously anticipating the Millennium and the time when Jesus Christ is reigning over the earth. I'm looking forward to the time when peace and love abounds and Satan no longer has any power. However, I seriously am wondering if at that time I will realize that I have wasted all this time learning about health and illness when there will be no disease. Hmmm......

Lunch: How did you spend the 4th of July?
As an assignment for school, we spent the entire day in Salt Lake servicing food to the homeless. What an eye-opening experience! It was unbelievable the amount of people who started lining up at 7:30 a.m. to be served hot dogs, cold beans, and nachos. They ate that for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Many of the people came back through the line 7 and 8 times! There was quite an eclectic mix of people: families, handicapped, many well-dressed, many in rags, many with no teeth. But they were all very gracious and thanked us over and over again. The best part of the day was the ice cream that had been donated. I know that I, myself, scooped at least 40 cartoons of ice cream! The homeless population felt that the ice cream was a fantastic treat! It was fun to see the smiles on their faces!

Dinner: What surprised you this week?
I was pleasantly surprised at how much I am enjoying my new calling as choir director. Long ago I remember thinking, "boy, I hope I never get called as choir director!" I was worried that I don't know enough about music to be "in charge". I still don't know enough, but I love the willingness of the choir members to try to help me as well as to try to sing the way I ask them. I love the feeling that comes over me when a song is sung well - especially if it brings a witness from the Holy Ghost of the truthfulness of the words being sung.

Midnight Snack: What has occupied a lot of your mind or time this week?
The fact that I am a totally unhealthy eater. I absolutely detest most healthy foods and I am addicted to those that are not healthy. Couple that with the fact that I spend most of the time sitting and stressing (which sends me into fits of cravings) and my weight is ballooning to astronomical proportions! I am seriously hoping that I do not get harpooned while on the beach in Hawaii next month!

Recipe of the Week (instead of your recipe for life what is it just for the week?)
This week I want to spend some more time outside, especially walking and maybe a little running. I am looking forward to our weekly "wog" around Mantua Reservoir.


Jodi said…
Thanks for playing! Great answers! Loved your breakfast.What a great way to spend the 4th. Wow. Post photos! That is so cool! I am so happy you like being choir director. I would come and support you but after hearing my voice you would begging me to quit! I am unfortunately right there with you on the Midnight Snack! Where's the chocolate!!??? I love the term WOG. Never heard it- good laughs!
I responded to your ??? on my blog! Thanks agaiN!

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