Food 4 Thought Friday!

Breakfast: What three things would you save if your house were burning down? (family and pets are already safe)

If my family was already safe, I would have to grab my scrapbooks, my computer along with the external drive with all of the pictures, and our box that contains all of our important documents such as birth certificates.

Lunch: Are you planning or have already taken any vacations this summer? Explain.

Kim and I are taking separate vacations this year – not because we don’t love each other anymore, but because I have a FANTASTIC opportunity to go to Hawaii with 3 of my classmates! I really would like to take Kim with me, but he said, “I will never take you, so you better go with your friends!” Isn’t he the greatest! He doesn’t like to travel much, and he really doesn’t want me to miss out on any opportunities just because he doesn’t want to go. He knows how much I LOVE to travel! He spent his vacation with the Young Women in our ward at girls’ camp as their priesthood representative. He had a fabulous time! So, we are both good.

Dinner: Do you still use a paper calendar or day planner or have gone electronic?

I use a little of everything. I still have calendars on the wall to check dates quickly. If I have an important appointment, I set a reminder in my phone. I also have am email calendar that sends me a list of my day’s activities each morning.

Midnight Snack: What has stressed you out the most this week?

The fact that I let my running go. Last summer I was running better than I ever have, and I was almost enjoying it! Then school started and I just quit. I can’t seem to get it back. However, I am still working on it, so maybe one day . . .

Recipe of the Week (instead of your recipe for life what is it just for the week?)

This is going to be a very busy week with two clinicals on Tuesday totalling a 17 hour work day. I’m going to try to survive that day with my sanity and then play catch up for the rest of the week. I’m also going to spend as much time as possible appreciating the fact that summer is finally here.


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