Tasha Moves to Cedar City
The first part of August we had the opportunity to move Tasha to Cedar City. This was a BIG step for Tasha. She has hesitated to move far away from home, but yet she has always wanted to have a "college" experience where she could live with roommates away from home and have the opportunity to attend college games, parties, and dances. Unexpectedly the opportunity presented itself. She found a job working at a massage school/salon in Cedar City where she gets to do 4-5 massages daily - a dream come true for her. She found a cute little house with 3 fun roommates. And, the best part is that she gets to see Zane daily while he attends Southern Utah University. Last year, she remained local while he was at school. With him, she gets to experience the college life.

Although I didn't like the long 5-hour drive (I really don't like driving!) we had a great trip. Shandra and Tasha got to spend the entire drive down bonding as sisters, while Kim and I followed behind. Bubba took turns in each car. We spent 2-3 days visiting, swimming and playing in the pool, playing games, and of course getting Tasha settled in.
