Frazzled: to be feeling a bit brain-fried; lost and confused; not functioning properly; slightly stressed; all over the place. (Urban Dictionary)
Tasha's News!
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My baby is getting married! It is SO exciting! I'm so very happy for her, and excited to welcome Zane into the family. They will be getting married this summer and then live in Cedar City while he finishes school. Stay tuned for details!
Today Bubba and I had a great day! First we joined Ash and Tristan for a visit to the park. Bubba and Tristan ran and rolled and climbed and had all kinds of fun! Later, Kim and I had to run to Logan, so we decided that a quick trip to Willow Park was in order. Bubba was so excited to see all of the animals there. We saw turtles, geese, swans, cranes, peacocks, and deer. We watched an owl eating his dinner. We saw a couple of young antelope fighting - I think they were really just playing! We even saw a couple of wallabies! Of course, Bubba's favorite part was feeding the ducks! He got a little nervous if one got too close, but as long as they kept their distance, he had a blast throwing food to them. I'm sure that he just about wore himself out with all of the walking and running and playing. I know that I did!
Memories: These vintage pictures surfaced this month. I just love looking at old pictures remembering how things were - especially when the pictures are of loved ones who are no longer with us. I love seeing Grandpa and Grandma surrounded by family. They loved being with family! This made me smile. Top: Tasha, Grandpa Olsen, Grandma Olsen, Abby (?) Shandra, Natalie, Mickel, LaurieJo Bottom: Stephanie, Jan, Casey, Grandpa, Doug, Grandma, David, Ben, Justin Dennis, Barbara, Kim, Jody, Alicia Kalel Birthday: Covid is still a constant threat, and I'm still working from home. However, we did feel safe in having a family-only party for Kalel's birthday. There is a new place here in town called Half Axed. We left Little Miss with Joey because we felt it would be just a little too dangerous for her and went to try our hand at axe-throwing. We had a marvelous time! So much so that Kim has decided that he wants to build our ...
Whew Whoo! "Diana Ross" and we "Supremes" performed brilliantly at our recent Stake Lip Sync. Okay, maybe we weren't quite brilliant - but at least we did it! We had anticipated a little more time to prepare and since several of the acts scheduled to perform before us neglected to show up, we were not exactly warmed up, stretched, and in sync as we would have liked to be. I have had several constructive criticisms requesting that I never dye my hair black. Karen and Janet were terrifically fun to do this with!