Tribute to Mom
Mom has been sick for a very long time. She had diabetes, but pretended that she didn't for many years. The diabetes silently attacked her body from the inside - not showing itself for the monster that it was for over 30 years. By the time that it finally showed itself, it had damaged mom's heart, her feet, her eyes, as well as her kidneys. She had multiple surgeries on her feet, but in the end lost two toes on her left foot and her entire right leg below the knee. She was in congestive heart failure and constantly fought the swelling from the excessive build-up of fluids in her body. Her kidneys could not handle the strain, and finally quit working. Mom passed away on February 1, 2012.
Mom was truly amazing! There were several times that she could have died - but she rallied back. The doctor said that she had used 10 of her 9 lives. Throughout it all, she never experienced any self-pity or depression. In fact, we found a little journal in which she had written almost every day something to the effect of "I have such a good life!". She spent hours and hours each scrapbooking. Often she would scrapbook the same thing several times because her memory was so poor that she didn't remember that she had already done it.

I have spent the last 5+ years helping my dad take care of my mom. Slowly I started viewing mom as "my patient" and forgot who my "real" mom was. Her personality changed during the last few years, and she because more childlike and apathetic. It was very hard to remember her as lady that she had been.
Fortunately, the days following her death were filled with memories. My cousin Bob and Kate drove down from Idaho and spent several days with us and sharing their favorite memories of mom. Julie presented a fabulous tribute to mom along with a plethora of memories at the funeral. Too many friends and family members to name individually came and shared their memories with us. And then there were the scrapbooks! What a fantastic blessing those have been for me! I spent one whole day just reviewing and remembering! It was something I dearly needed!
There have been so many people who have been so generous to me and my family at this time! Meals, cards, money, visits, memories, and lots and lots of hugs!
I'm so very grateful for my mom. And, I am so excited that she is now with BJ! What fun they must be having together.