The Roller Coaster Continues!
And . . . . the roller coaster continues! I have been studying like crazy for my NCLEX
(state nursing board) exam – anywhere between 4-6 hours per day. The day before the test I studied for 10 ½ hours! I was still nervous, but anxious to get it
over with. I studied very hard the day
before the test and then planned to relax and take it easy on the day of the
Test day rolled around and I had several great texts and
posts wishing me luck and reminding me that prayers had been said on my
behalf. I was so grateful for all of the
words of encouragement. One special post
from Marilyn reminded me that many prayers had been said in my behalf, and then
she reminded me to listen for those prayers whispering in my ear. At that moment I had a very tangible feeling
of those prayers, I could literally feel their power! As often happens when touched by the spirit,
tears started leaking out of my eyes.
When Kim saw that I was crying he put his arms tenderly around me and
asked what was wrong. When I told him
that I was just feeling emotional about all of the love and confidence I was
feeling, he seemed very relieved.
A few minutes later, I was following my usual morning
routine, which involves checking email accounts and catching up with friends on
facebook. A friend popped up and asked
if I had heard the news about the Munns family.
I replied that I had not, and she proceeded to inform me that Royce had
been killed in a motorcycle accident late the previous night. Whoa, what a horrible shock! I immediately ran into Kim who informed me
that he already knew and that he was trying to keep it from me until I had
finished my test so that I could concentrate.
What a sweetie! But, he should
have known that I am addicted to the computer, and there was no way he was
going to hide it from me.

Fortunately, the Lord answered the prayers of so many in my
behalf, and I was able to put the tragic accident out of my mind just long
enough to take the test. It was a hard
test, and many times I stopped and tried to listen to the whisperings that were
promised. I did not hear any words, but
I felt the calm assurance that gave me confidence to apply the logic I had
studied to discern the answers. Sooner
than I expected, it was over! I felt a
huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders.
I wouldn’t know if I passed for two days, but I did know that I had done
the best that I could. The roller
coaster momentarily slowed as it topped the hill, and then started racing
faster and faster down.

But wait – how could I celebrate when my good friends were
suffering in a way that very few could understand? Once again conflicting emotions felt as if
they would tear me apart! Extreme
happiness and the deepest sorrow, up and down, up and down my roller coaster
One more emotion needs to be mentioned – and that is of
gratitude. Gratitude for the many
prayers in my behalf, gratitude for the many, many prayers that have been
offered and will be offered in behalf of the Munns family, gratitude for tender
mercies that have been shown me in so many ways and that allow me to help and
to service my friends. Gratitude for the
knowledge that I have, that Jesus Christ made it possible for all men to live
again, thereby giving us the opportunity to see and be with our family and
friends again – that death is just a temporary separation. And especially gratitude for the blessings
that Heavenly Father sends when we have trials, for the spiritual growth that
we are given if we choose to accept it.
Yes, the roller coaster continues – but with the comforting
influence of the Holy Ghost – it may be a wild ride, but it will be totally
PS – I did pass the test!
I finally have initials behind my name:
Audrey Olsen, RN