New Trees

I used to have a decent back yard.  Lots of grass, an awesome garden, a cement pad for playing basketball. However, life happened, and somehow we totally lost control of the back yard.  First of all, that first year after BJ died I couldn't even function well, let alone take care of the yard.  Since we don't have a sprinkler system and it required effort to actually walk outside, move the sprinkler, and then turn on the water, it didn't get water.  After the grass died, the weeds (which for some reason don't need water to grow) took over.  The garden, which used to be Kim's pride and job, all of the sudden became a feeding ground for the deer, and after he lost his entire crop, he lost interest.  Couple that with the fact that for the last couple of years he has been working 50-70 hours a week and the garden spot has turned into a big weed patch.  Once we lost the backyard, it was just easier to let it continue to go downhill.  Kim's truck that needs a new engine was moved to the back.  Tools and bikes and lost of junk started accumulating back there.  With Kim working so much and my busy life in school we didn't even care.

But, since I finished school and had an actual summer this year, the backyard has started to bother me more and more each day.  With vigilant watering, I am seeing mostly grass and fewer weeds.  We trimmed some of the hedges back.  We moved the old truck to the side of the shop where Kim can work on it once his crazy work schedule gets back to normal.  And yesterday - with a LOT of help from my new son-in-law - we planted two new trees!

I am so excited to see the difference the trees make in the backyard.  We will have some shade, YEA!  And we will have some color.

This is what they should look like.  I can't wait until they are big!

Now - to figure out how to keep the deer out of the garden so Kim will grow tomatoes again!


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