Snow and Cars
So, the weather has been crazy! Snow one day, 70 degrees the next.
One day Kalel and Kim had a fantastic time playing in the leaves. The next day - the leaves were buried under snow!
Our temple district was asked to fast last Sunday for more moisture and I believe that the Lord will hear that petition. Since I am now working in Ogden and I HATE driving in snow I decided to do something that I have been thinking about for 3 years. I bought myself a Subaru. Every where I go I have heard how wonderful Subaru's are for driving in the snow. I really didn't want to get into a car payment again, but when I found this used one for only $5200 I jumped at that chance.
Obviously it isn't a new car, it is a 2004 with 149,000 miles, but it is new to me and I am quite excited! It has a trailer hitch and a luggage rack so we won't have to always borrow a truck if we need to haul anything. Yesterday Kim found a small trailer that he bought, so we are set!
It was hard to give up the Grand Am - I have driven that car for 12 years! But, I was blessed to have it sold in just one hour after putting the ad on! A Latino couple came with cash in hand. It was funny because I didn't let the man know that I spoke Spanish, but while he was test driving, his wife got out of their car and asked if she could use the bathroom. As I was speaking to her, I realized that she didn't speak much English, so I switched to Spanish. When the man got back, he heard me speaking Spanish, and pretty much the rest of the transaction was done in Spanish! Isn't that a hoot? The best part was that he complimented me on my pronunciation - he said it was perfect! He said that it was better than most Americans who speak Spanish. I'm pretty sure that he was just being nice - but I'm happy about it anyway.
Just for the record - yesterday I had almost 4" of snow on my car when I got off work. I think I am going to be glad that I have my Subaru!

Our temple district was asked to fast last Sunday for more moisture and I believe that the Lord will hear that petition. Since I am now working in Ogden and I HATE driving in snow I decided to do something that I have been thinking about for 3 years. I bought myself a Subaru. Every where I go I have heard how wonderful Subaru's are for driving in the snow. I really didn't want to get into a car payment again, but when I found this used one for only $5200 I jumped at that chance.
Obviously it isn't a new car, it is a 2004 with 149,000 miles, but it is new to me and I am quite excited! It has a trailer hitch and a luggage rack so we won't have to always borrow a truck if we need to haul anything. Yesterday Kim found a small trailer that he bought, so we are set!
Just for the record - yesterday I had almost 4" of snow on my car when I got off work. I think I am going to be glad that I have my Subaru!