Lunch with the Police

One day after school Shandra and I took Bubba and my nephew Corbin to lunch at Burger King.  We all had a great time, sitting on the tall chairs, sharing our french fries, and learning all about sheep and goats (of which the boys were experts thanks to their school project).

About midway through lunch we noticed that several policemen were meeting at Burger King for lunch.

Since the opportunity rarely becomes available, and since I wanted the boys to understand what policemen do as well as to learn to respect and not fear them, I got brave and asked if one of them would be willing to come to our table and talk to the boys.  Of course both Bubba and Corbin got extremely shy when the officer came over, but he was very kind and told them all about his duties and how it is his job to ensure that people are safe.  Then he invited another officer over to talk with us.  The second officer is a K-9 officer and he told us all about his dog and how he is a master at sniffing out drugs.

Then, the K-9 officer took the boys outside so that they could meet his dog, Sebastian, a huge German shepherd.  The boys were instructed to stand by him, but not to pet him.  They were just a little nervous, but very excited to meet the police dog!

 I think that it was a good experience for them to get to talk with police officers one on one.  I'm so grateful that the officers were kind enough to take time out of their lunch to speak with us.  I hope that the boys will always remember the experience and learn to respect the officers that serve and protect us.


Love it! Officer Glover and his dog Sebastian are the best!
Kenzie Hadley said…
I didn't know this happened. That is awesome! Good job :)

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