More El Bandito

Last summer when we saw "The Hanging of El Bandito" at the Pickleville playhouse we immediately became El Bandito avid fans.  Almost all of us have the soundtrack memorized - Tasha is amazing at rapping all of the parts and Bubba can sing almost all of the words to every song!  I listen to the CD after a long night of working and sing loudly to keep myself awake while driving.  Zane wasn't able to see the play in the summer, but had listened to the soundtrack enough that he was very excited to see the play.  So Zane and Tasha drove up from Cedar for just one day to see the play with us in Salt Lake.

We were not disappointed!  In fact, I'm quite sure that the play is better every time that we see it!  We were just about rolling in the isles in laughter.  Watching Bubba was precious!  He didn't stop smiling the entire two hours!  And he quoted and sang right along with the actors!

Zane and Tasha with finger mustaches
After the show, Tasha reported to Bandito that there were a few words of the rap that she couldn't understand, and he took the time to teach them to her!

 I know that I have now seen it three times - but honestly, I'm trying to decide if I can make it work to go and see it again in Logan next month.  Hmmm........


Doran & Jody said…
FUN! I saw that is was playing in Logan or somewhere.

I tried to get online today and find some Wicked tickets in TX but I think they might be sold out because it wouldn't bring anything up. Bah!

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