Southern California 2013 Part 6

Pin Trading

Before we left for our trip we had a friend tell us that when her family went to Disneyland they bought pins so that they could trade them with cast members and other people.  She said that it was a great activity and it really kept her kids entertained while waiting in the long lines.  It sounded fun, so we immediate ordered 50 pins so that we could be involved in the trading. 
It actually was fun, we grouped them together and decided which group we were going to search for.  Kalel liked looking for pirate pins and collected several (he gave a couple of them away to friends when he returned home!)

 In addition to searching for Grumpy pins, Kim just liked searching for pins for each of us and spent a ton of time in the shops looking for pins – both to buy and those to trade.

He and the girls got me these “Nerd” pins and a lanyard for Mother’s Day.

Kim also gave me this special Nurse Pin.

Tasha was the one who went CRAZY of the pins!  She decided that she wanted to collect the zodiac pins and would search anyone and everyone who was wearing a lanyard.  She stopped at all of the shops to check out their pin boards.  She was successful in getting all but four.  She is still missing Aries, Leo, Scorpio, and Gemini – so if anyone comes across them, please pass them on her way!
Zodiac Sign Pins, Part of the New Hidden Mickey Pin Series Coming to Disneyland and Walt Disney World Resorts in 2012


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