August Challenge Day 12: Your three favorite colors

Green:  My favorite color has always been green.  I love almost any shade.
Purple:  Who doesn't love purple?

Tangerine:  For some reason whenever I wear tangerine it makes me happy.  In fact, I just matched my tangerine shirt when picking out the paint color for my bathroom!


Jodi said…
Dang looks like I missed out on the latest challenge! I may have to come back and use this one for my next month!
I have been laughing out loud at your crazy "salads" is that what you call them? How come I miss out on hearing those exit from you lips? I need to hang out more with you!
Just writing to let you know that I began the 30 day challenge TODAY! Post #1 is UP! I'm so proud of myself!!!!! YIPPEE! Thanks for the inspiration!!!!!!

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