August Challenge Day 29: Something you could never get tired of doing

Spending time on my computer!  I am totally addicted and almost go into withdrawals if I don’t spend some time computing each and every day!

I can't plan anything without checking my "google calendar"  because my life is scheduled there.  
I have to keep up with all of my friends on Facebook because you never know what interesting things are going on in their lives.  
Email is vital to see if I have won any money from a sweepstakes that I didn't enter as well as to check what stores are having sales.  In addition, I need email to keep me up to date on airline fares in case I want to travel.  
Pinterest has SO many good ideas!  I need to pin several each day (most of which I will never use!) My addiction includes playing computer games, in fact, I had to totally remove Candy Crush from my computer because I couldn't stop playing - and - I found that I started getting violent if I got interrupted or if someone made a move for me!
I never watch the news, so I check MSN to see what is happening in the world
I index genealogy records
Of course I blog!
And last, but not least, I use my computer to actually do homework!

What ever did I do before there were computers?


Jodi said…
Where would be without the computer? Mopping floors...
Scrubbing bathtubs...
Cleaning baseboards...

And that's no fun!
Yea for the computer! At least most of the stuff we do on here is permanent (for good or bad haha) contrary to housework! lol

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