What a Day!
Whew! What a day!
My day started off alright - except that I woke much to early knowing that I was going to be "on call" and may have to work all night.
I started the day right with a prayer and scripture study (something I have been lacking lately!) and then I got ready for the day. I had decided that it was time to catch up on some housework, so I rolled up my sleeves ... and then ... for some reason ... my hands started working slower ... and for some unknown reason depression started washing over me ... and before I knew it ... I had tears streaming down my face.

I really don't know why the depression started this morning, I wasn't depressed when I got up! Anyway, as the tears started falling my confidence fell along with them. Soon I started beating myself up about everything imaginable. Luckily I have angels looking over me!

I went to lunch with two of them, Tammy and my sister, Ashley. Then they came to my house and helped me start moving my clothes into my new closet downstairs. Shandra soon joined us and we had a clothes folding party! Even though I will be eternally grateful for the help, my depression continued to overwhelm me. Words of encouragement and love along with bone-crunching hugs enveloped me in warmth and gratitude.

All of the sudden I got a phone call - I had made a mistake and was not "on call" for work - I was scheduled! AND I WAS LATE, VERY LATE! "Great", I thought as I started mentally beating myself up again. I rushed out of the door without even replacing the mascara I had previously cried off.

For some reason that I can't fathom, the adrenaline rush that accompanied the start of my night of work seemed to shift the tide, and all of the sudden I started accomplishing things and feeling confident again! Because the night was slow at work I was able to get my first interview completed for my practical assignment for school - and I also set up an appointment for the second interview.

Then I started working on the other class - and I finished and submitted the final assignment for that class!
And then ... I passed the level on Farm Heroes Saga that I have been stuck on for weeks!

AND THEN, I passed the level on Bubble Witch Saga that I have been stuck on!

I'm so happy that the day is ending on a positive note! I really don't like that feeling of incompetence and depression. Being happy is MUCH nicer!
My day started off alright - except that I woke much to early knowing that I was going to be "on call" and may have to work all night.
I started the day right with a prayer and scripture study (something I have been lacking lately!) and then I got ready for the day. I had decided that it was time to catch up on some housework, so I rolled up my sleeves ... and then ... for some reason ... my hands started working slower ... and for some unknown reason depression started washing over me ... and before I knew it ... I had tears streaming down my face.
I really don't know why the depression started this morning, I wasn't depressed when I got up! Anyway, as the tears started falling my confidence fell along with them. Soon I started beating myself up about everything imaginable. Luckily I have angels looking over me!
I went to lunch with two of them, Tammy and my sister, Ashley. Then they came to my house and helped me start moving my clothes into my new closet downstairs. Shandra soon joined us and we had a clothes folding party! Even though I will be eternally grateful for the help, my depression continued to overwhelm me. Words of encouragement and love along with bone-crunching hugs enveloped me in warmth and gratitude.
All of the sudden I got a phone call - I had made a mistake and was not "on call" for work - I was scheduled! AND I WAS LATE, VERY LATE! "Great", I thought as I started mentally beating myself up again. I rushed out of the door without even replacing the mascara I had previously cried off.
For some reason that I can't fathom, the adrenaline rush that accompanied the start of my night of work seemed to shift the tide, and all of the sudden I started accomplishing things and feeling confident again! Because the night was slow at work I was able to get my first interview completed for my practical assignment for school - and I also set up an appointment for the second interview.
Then I started working on the other class - and I finished and submitted the final assignment for that class!
And then ... I passed the level on Farm Heroes Saga that I have been stuck on for weeks!
AND THEN, I passed the level on Bubble Witch Saga that I have been stuck on!
I'm so happy that the day is ending on a positive note! I really don't like that feeling of incompetence and depression. Being happy is MUCH nicer!