So Much to Do, So Little Time
I have attempted to start a blog post for quite a few days, but wonder what I will say that will have any value. Life seems to just keep racing by with little moments of memory making treasures, but it seems that when I actually find make time to write them down, I can't recall anything. Yes, that does mean that I am too busy! But I don't see any changes in my available time in the near future.
I am so proud of my girls! First Shandra branched out and started an independent business working at a great new salon where she is doing Great! Her clientele is increasing daily.
Next Tasha has just been hired as a massage therapist at an upscale spa and resort in California!
I have such incredibly talented girls and couldn't be prouder of them!

However, I am now training to be a labor nurse, and even though it is a very tough job and extremely taxing on my poor little brain, I love it!
I had breakfast with my great friends.
And Brynanne and her cute little Treyson came over for lunch.
I have the opportunity to go to lunch with Tammy (and Shandra and Ash) a lot, but I always forget to take pictures! However, pictures or not, we always have a great time.
I have been so blessed with my great friends! I almost always drag my sister, Ash, and Shandra along - it makes things so much more fun!

I can't believe how fortunate I am to be able to direct such talented and wonderful singers. It is seriously like a dream come true! How blessed I am that the Lord has entrusted me with such a great opportunity.
Last practice I was so enthralled with getting the choir to sing louder at one part that I was waving my arms so hard that the watch crystal went flying across the room! Thank goodness it didn't hit anyone.
I am so proud of my girls! First Shandra branched out and started an independent business working at a great new salon where she is doing Great! Her clientele is increasing daily.
Next Tasha has just been hired as a massage therapist at an upscale spa and resort in California!
I have such incredibly talented girls and couldn't be prouder of them!
After almost two years of working straight graveyard shifts (5:00 pm to 5:00 am) I have now switched to working days (5:00 am to 5:00 pm). What a lifestyle change! There is just something so wrong about getting up at 4:00 in the morning!However, I am now training to be a labor nurse, and even though it is a very tough job and extremely taxing on my poor little brain, I love it!
I had breakfast with my great friends.
Marilyn, Loraine, Jodi, Heather, Julie, Me, Shandra |
One really fun day Shandra, Ash, and I were out and about running errands. We stopped by Smiths and just happened to run into Karen who decided to join us for lunch.
As we were filling out our lunch choices at Old Grist Mill Karen, always up for doing something fun and crazy, suggested that we change our names to something new and exciting on our order tickets. So, for the rest of the day Shandra was Penny, Ash was Amy Ferafowler, Karen was Anastacia, and I was Franchesca. What a riot! We thought we were so funny (however, I'm not sure that anyone else did!) I have the opportunity to go to lunch with Tammy (and Shandra and Ash) a lot, but I always forget to take pictures! However, pictures or not, we always have a great time.
I have been so blessed with my great friends! I almost always drag my sister, Ash, and Shandra along - it makes things so much more fun!
The choir has been rehearsing for the upcoming stake conference and they are FABULOUS!I can't believe how fortunate I am to be able to direct such talented and wonderful singers. It is seriously like a dream come true! How blessed I am that the Lord has entrusted me with such a great opportunity.
Last practice I was so enthralled with getting the choir to sing louder at one part that I was waving my arms so hard that the watch crystal went flying across the room! Thank goodness it didn't hit anyone.