One Word Resolution
New Year's resolution - now there is a phrase that rarely finds itself in my vocabulary, unless of course I am lamenting either the lack of resolution or the breakage of said resolution. I never have been good at making or keeping resolutions, especially the last decade or so when I know that I am prone to experience severe bouts of depression during January-February. There is nothing that increases depression like feeling like a failure for not keeping resolutions.
Needless to say, New Year's goals and resolutions had not even entered my mind as 2015 began. However, two of my favorite women (at separate times) gave me a suggestion that just may work for me. Instead of setting specific goals for the year Marilyn and Jodi just came up with one word that they are going to focus on. Jodi writes a great article about it in her blog Beacon of Hope.
When I asked Marilyn how she chose just one word out of so many, she wisely stated that it needs to be a matter of since prayer and the Lord will make the one word known that is specific for me.
Well, I decided to take the challenge and I prayed for several days but just couldn't seem to narrow down the word specifically for me. I thought of several that would be good, for example KIND and LOVE. They are great words to focus on, but they just didn't feel right, so I kept searching.
I believe that the Lord has given me this word for many reasons including:
When you get a prompting to visit or call someone: DO it
When you see a need: DO something to fulfill that need
When you waste time playing games on the computer: Do something constructive
When you think about going to temple: Do it - don't talk yourself out of it
Study the scriptures daily: just DO it
I'm sure that throughout the year as I focus on doing the Lord will guide me to know all of the things He wishes me to do. I'm honestly a little nervous about this endeavor, hoping that I don't start feeling guilty about all of the things that I don't do, but I think that as I try to focus on doing I will be able to DO more - even if I don't do all.
You can DO IT!
I'm still trying to DO IT!
Great post!