Birthday and Baptism

As much as I am looking forward to having lots more grandchildren, it is also nice to only have one right now because we get to share so much with him (and probably spoil him a little too much!)

This semester I get the opportunity to watch him every Wednesday evening while his mother is in class.  Many times it has turned out that he actually watches me since I am so exhausted and have to get up so early!  He has been wonderful to give me a blanket and put himself to bed when I fall asleep!  He is such a sweetie!

Here he is as a detective!  He plays the part well! 
Bubba's 8th birthday was a very fun day!  His mother was able to go to his school and share things about him for the last part of class.  Kim and I surprised him there with a bunch of balloons.

 When we arrived at our house, he decided that he wanted to let all of the balloons go and watch them rise high into the sky.

 The one Mylar balloon seemed a little sluggish, and in fact only made it a little way before it became entangled in a nearby tree.
 We went into the house for the opening of presents.  Shandra's friend Jason won the honors of best gift with a nerf zombie strike gun.
 He was seriously in need of new shoes, so Kim and I spoiled him with two pairs of good quality shoes.
After the gifts we met Ashley, Mark, Tristan, Cory, and Corbin for a fun game of bowling.

This picture is blurry, but I had to add it to show Tristan's unique approach.  He grabbed the ball under his arm and ran with it as if it were a football and then would throw it with all of his might at the last second!
 We had a terrific time.  Everyone had cool names to call themselves on the scoreboard
Corbin - KC
Kalel - Seagull
Tristan - Homewrecker
Audrey - Strikker
Kim - Stomper
Cory - Pinking (We had quite the discussion, was it pinking as in shears or pin king as in bowling?)
Ash - Princess
Mark - The Stud
Shandra - Dew (for hair-do)
 Austin Cobbley and his Young Men were in the lanes next to us and they were kind enough to pose for a big birthday picture.
Four days later was a very special day.  Both Tristan and Kalel were baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints!  Together they had planned the program.  Grandma Olsen said the opening prayer, Marilyn Parrish gave a talk on baptism, I gave a talk on the Holy Ghost.  Maddie Parrish played the piano and Marshall Parrish led the music.  Then both of their bishops, Bishop Parrish and Bishop Anderson gave remarks.  Kim had the opportunity to baptize and confirm both of them.  It was a very special day.

Kalel's paternal grandparents, Lonnie and Ellen

We had a small but really nice luncheon afterward for everyone in attendance.  Believe it or not Ashley and I made all of the chicken salad for the croissants!  No one even died from food poisoning!  It was really nice to have so many people attend, Kalel's father and family, lots of the Olsen relatives, Robin, Cory, and Corbin, and many of the Braegger family.

Congratulations Tristan and Kalel!  I'm very proud of both of you!  You made a good decision and have accomplished the first step in achieving eternal life and living with Heavenly Father and Jesus forever.


Jodi said…
Great post! It looks like he had an amazing birthday and baptism day!

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