Food 4 Thought
Breakfast What is your current favorite song?
Hmm, my current favorite song? That is an extremely tough question, I pretty much like everything. Usually my favorites include the songs the choir is working on. Right now we are working on, "If the Savior Stood Beside Me" which I love. I also love, love, love Christmas songs!
Lunch What is something that can always brighten your day no matter what?
A neck massage. I just love it when someone comes up behind me and starts rubbing my neck! I just feel the tensions start to fade away.
Dinner What is something you feel like you have improved on the past week?
I have improved on blogging! I have been slacking for awhile, and it's good to get back into it.
Midnight Snack If you could go back and change one thing this week, what would it be?
Honestly, I can't think of one thing this week I would change - there was good and there was bad but there wasn't anything that I would do differently.
Recipe of the Week (instead of your recipe for life what is it just for the week?)
Catching up on sleep would be nice!
OH... which template on the blogger site? What's it called? Etc.