Thoughts of BJ singing

I was sitting at practice for Symphonic Choir last night and as I was listening to the men rehearse their parts I was struck with a thought.  It would have been so great if BJ were here to sing with the choir.  BJ loved to sing and he would have enjoyed the opportunity to participate in the choir with me.  I remember one year he and I joined a patriotic choir for the July 4th celebration.  The accompanist and director were the same as for the Symphonic, Dave and Jana Willis.  We thoroughly enjoyed singing with such a good choir and accomplished leaders.  We didn't even mind getting up early, leaving our camping trip, so that we could perform at the morning celebration!

One of my favorite memories of BJ is when he and I drove down to Salt Lake to attend the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Christmas concert.  BJ definitely shares my love of music, as do Shandra and Tasha.

Once, BJ and I even sang a duet together for Sacrament Meeting. I was terrified, but so proud to be performing with my son. I loved singing with BJ!  I miss singing with him.  He would have loved participating in my ward choir and Symphonic with me.  I hope that he has many opportunities to sing in the heavenly choirs!  I can't wait until we can sing together again!
This picture is of BJ singing Karaoke with his uncle Jeff


Jodi said…
What a sweet post. I am sure he has bee singing in those heavenly choirs!!

HEY! Guess what?

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