Kim's Food 4 Thought Friday

Here is Kim's Food 4 Thought Friday

Breakfast ~ Where does your mind wander when there is nothing pressing on it? 
Sobering thoughts

Lunch  What is one of the hardest things you do each day?
Getting to sleep

Dinner ~ When did you last feel fear?  Why?
When my father was in the ICU and had a “Do Not Resuscitate” order and the nurse came in and said that they were having problems.  And my grandson always.

Midnight Snack ~ Was there something you felt inspired to do this week and did it?  Didn't do it? What were the results?  
I haven’t been inspired for years.

Recipe of the Week ~ (instead of your recipe for life what is it just for the week?)  
Try to get some carving done for the YMYW Fundraiser Dinner.


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