Labor Day at Toad's Fun Zone
My sister, Ash, has accused me of working too much. She is right, of course. I do work to much - it is a good thing that I like my job! Anyway, since we don't get to spend much time together we reserved Labor Day as "Audrey and Ashley spend the day together" and even put it on the calendar - in PEN! (ok, not really because my calendar is on the computer, but we made sure that spending the day together was a priority).
After going back and forth on the many choices we could do for fun, we decided to take the boys, Shandra, and Dad to Toad's for some laser tag and arcade fun. Shandra's friend, Mel, works there so she made sure that we were equipped with pizza, drinks, and plenty of good fun. The pizza was surprisingly good! I would go back there just for the pizza.
The Kalel and Tristan had a marvelous time going from game to game racking up piles of tickets that could be redeemed for treasures. Kalel is a master at Skee Ball and beat all of us.

Dad and I threw balls trying to knock over stuffed clowns and laughed and laughed. Ash, Shandra, and the boys took on a cracker-jack team at laser tag, and got beat soundly.
I talked Dad into riding a virtual motorcycle and he was having a ball until he realized that there were people watching, he then got nervous and actually jumped off in the middle of the game and wouldn't get back on.
The end of the day was spent on the Go Kart racetrack. Ash and Tristan challenged me and Kalel. Ash is a maniac on the track and soon took the lead. I had a person in front of me that was trying at every turn to thwart my effort to pass him, but eventually we got by him and zoomed in to take 3rd place. Ash and Tristan never lost the lead and came in as champions.
We had a great time at Toad's. Ash and I considered our "spend together" day a rousing success!
After going back and forth on the many choices we could do for fun, we decided to take the boys, Shandra, and Dad to Toad's for some laser tag and arcade fun. Shandra's friend, Mel, works there so she made sure that we were equipped with pizza, drinks, and plenty of good fun. The pizza was surprisingly good! I would go back there just for the pizza.
The Kalel and Tristan had a marvelous time going from game to game racking up piles of tickets that could be redeemed for treasures. Kalel is a master at Skee Ball and beat all of us.

Dad and I threw balls trying to knock over stuffed clowns and laughed and laughed. Ash, Shandra, and the boys took on a cracker-jack team at laser tag, and got beat soundly.

The end of the day was spent on the Go Kart racetrack. Ash and Tristan challenged me and Kalel. Ash is a maniac on the track and soon took the lead. I had a person in front of me that was trying at every turn to thwart my effort to pass him, but eventually we got by him and zoomed in to take 3rd place. Ash and Tristan never lost the lead and came in as champions.
We had a great time at Toad's. Ash and I considered our "spend together" day a rousing success!