On Teaching and Peach Days and Family History and Struggles

It is quite amazing to me that I have to be creative and come up with lots of words in order to teach my students I have less and less desire to use words to record my life.  Today however, I have some forced down time so I decided to write - however I'm not sure that any of my thoughts will be creative, or even entertaining for that matter!

My teaching job is unbelievably stressful.  It is mind numbing to think how much work there is to re-learn concepts and facts in order to know them better than the students.  Add to that the pressure of presenting the right information in the best way so that the students will be be prepared to pass the state boards and be good, knowledgeable caregivers.  Add to that the stress of preparing tests and quizzes that accurately assess the students' understanding.  Not to mention preparing and grading all of the assignments.  And I thought writing my master's thesis was hard!

Teaching nursing is tough! I feel a huge weight on my shoulders to succeed, not just for my benefit but also because I have a responsibility to prepare the students.  

That being said, I have never loved anything as much as I love teaching!  I love that I am continuously learning and relearning.  I love preparing lessons that are interesting enough that the students do not fall asleep (yet boring enough that they learn the tough stuff).  I love having the students ask me questions and seeing their eyes light up when my explanation helps them to "get it".  Yesterday one of my students came up to me at the break and put a star sticker on my chest that said, "you rock!"  Later I received an email from a student detailing all of the things she felt I did right in teaching her class.

It is very hard, but it is so good!  I feel so incredibly grateful for this new found talent that I have been given.  To quote from the words of a song from the movie The Sound of Music:

So somewhere in my youth or childhood
I must have done something good
Nothing comes from nothing
Nothing ever could
So somewhere in my youth or childhood
I must have done something good

Other things to report: 

Last weekend was Peach Days.  It was fun this year because Doug and Lori were here from California and Tasha and Zane were too!  It was great to spend time with them.  Unfortunately Kim was sick and didn’t get to enjoy the weekend much.  In fact he totally missed Kalel tumble in the Parade and also do a gymnastic performance in the afternoon.  Kalel is getting SO GOOD!   

Shandra started a new job as a CNA this week.  It is going to be a good experience for her as well as give her points towards getting into the Surgical Tech program.  She is going to be quite busy as she is still going work at Salon Rox Thursday, Friday and Saturday.  

I started teaching my new Family History class in Sunday School.  Unfortunately along with the new calling came a release from Choir Director.  I loved that calling, but it was time to let someone else have the opportunity.  Brian Huff was called and he will do a marvelous job (as long as he can still sing tenor at the same time he leads because he has been the only tenor).  My new calling is fun.  I get to teach a "hands on" class were the students actually work on their own family history during the class.  So far everyone seems to like it.  

Many of our family members are facing very hard times right now, serious illness, financial troubles, etc.  It is so hard to watch and participate in dealing with the struggles.  How very, very grateful I am to know that Christ's atonement will cover all of the hardships we have to deal with.  It doesn't take them away of course, because we need to grow from our trials, but He is there for us.  He understands.  He has empathy.  He can make us strong enough to carry the burdens and He can make them light.  He can send the Holy Ghost to comfort us and to testify of truth which gives us hope and strength.  He loves us.


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