Food 4 Thought Friday

Food Thought Friday!

A little feast without the calories!! 

Please visit Jodi's blog!  She posts these for us.   Feel free to play along for some yummy fun! She will post a new one each Thursday night.JOIN IN!!! 

Right Now
Breakfast ~ What sounds do you hear right now? What time is it right now as you answer this?  

It is quiet right now.  There are no television noises, no people’s voices.  It is late morning, I slept in today and Kim is still sleeping.  Kim’s brother, Doug, and two boys spent the night, we got up early to see them off and then went back to bed since the calendar is clear today.

Lunch ~ What are you wearing right now?  What are you thinking right now? What are you eating/drinking right now (if anything)?  

I still have my pajamas on, one of the very few times I am not dressed and ready to go before sitting at my computer.  I’m thinking about how nice it is to have the entire day to spend as I feel in the moment.  It is BJ’s angelversary and I am quite melancholy.  I am not eating or drinking anything right now.

Dinner ~ Where do you wish you were right now?  What do you wish you were doing right now?  What should you be doing right now?

As always at this time of the year I wish I was someplace tropical.  Warm weather, ocean breezes, beautiful, blue water.  A hammock tied to palm trees on the beach would be perfect.  I probably should either get some exercise or at least get dressed, but I’m too lazy.

Midnight Snack ~ What is going on around you right now?

At my house there is nothing going on right now, but there is much going on in my family.  Tasha and Zane are looking at a new job.  Shandra and Jason are looking into permanent custody of RaeLynn.  Kim’s family is fraught with medical issues, including Kim who is waiting for the results of some medical tests he had yesterday.  I am relishing the quiet at my house right now before thinking about the rest of the stresses.

Recipe for the Week ~ (instead of your recipe for life, what is it just for the week?)


Jodi said…
Now if I had read this on Saturday, I wouldn't have missed BJ's birthday! I am glad you got to chill on that day with no pressures. Yeah, the perfect day to enjoy some chocolate ecstasy! GROAN..............
I am so sorry...........

I LOVE LOVE you recipe for the week!
I hope Kim gets feeling better! Where is Tasha thinking of moving?

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