Week in Review 3-27-16
Monday was my last day in San Diego. Tasha was quite upset because she got called into work for a few hours because we had planned on spending the whole day together. Through her tears she expressed some frustrations with her work, that she felt that she really wanted to get to know her clients, to help them with medical problems. She stated that she knew people always felt good after she massaged them, but she felt that she wanted to do more than just relaxation massages. She wanted to see her clients more than once and to really get to know them. As she was talking I got a bit of inspiration and remarked that it sounded like what she really wanted to do was physical therapy. It was as if a light bulb turned on inside her! The tears stopped immediately and I could see the wheels turning as she started processing the thought of helping people through physical therapy.
Isn't it amazing how quickly our lives can change direction? By the end of the next day Tasha had interviewed at the school, applied and was accepted (just to the school, she has to take some prerequisites before she can applied to the actual program) and is so excited about life again! I am very happy for her
She only had to work for a couple of hours that day, so I got all packed up while she was at work. We then went back to Ruby's for another guacamole burger and salted caramel and chocolate shake. It was just as good the second time! We just spent the next couple of hours enjoying each other before I had to leave for the airport. It was a great visit.
I arrived at the airport in plenty of time (whew!) and had a nice flight to Oakland. Unfortunately my plane from Oakland to Salt Lake was delayed, so I had a long and boring layover in the Oakland airport. I made use of the time by people watching and playing mindless games on my tablet. Finally I arrived in Salt Lake - and found that it was SNOWING! Urrg!
After sleeping in the next morning, I drove to work to attack the plethora of work needed to complete in order to catch up from my trip.

Fortunately the lesson went well the next morning. I really do LOVE teaching! I know that I do well being in front of the class, and I hope and pray that I am teaching them all of the things and in a way that facilitates learning. It is something that I am constantly worried about.
After class my sister, Ashley, met me for lunch. We went to Noodles & Company and had a great lunch.
After lunch we picked up Robin for some Easter shopping at Target. I haven't hung out with those two for awhile and we had great fun!
Ash modeling her fancy hat. |
Thursday: HAPPY 9TH BIRTHDAY TO MY FAVORITE LITTLE BUDDY! We celebrated by having his cousin Tristan (Corbin couldn't make it) and Ashley over for pizza, games, and ice cream cones.
I can't believe how fast time has flown! It seems like just yesterday when he was so anxious to get here that he arrived 5 weeks early and only weighed 4 lbs 4 oz. But he has always been strong and healthy, he didn't even have any problems being so little. Some of my favorite things and memories of Kalel:- As a toddler he loved animals and had a name for each and every one.
- As a baby he was not satisfied by gentle rocking, he wanted to be bounced - HARD!
- He always has loved to sing and loves going to musical plays with me (and his mom)
- He has always been a huggy and affectionate child.
- He is an excellent swimmer
- He loves to play board games
- He is a good friend and gets along with about everyone
- He is a great gymnast
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The arrow points to Marshall |
While I was at work the rest of the gang went to another of Kalel's gymnastic meets. This one was small and very unorganized according to Shandra. Kalel didn't perform very well. The entire family was discouraged.
As soon as they arrived home from the meet Kalel went to spend the rest of the weekend with his dad. Raelynn spent the weekend at her mom's so we didn't have any kids for Easter. Kim and I decided not to do any of the "fluff" for Easter this year and just enjoy church services celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
After church Kim took a nap and then that evening he headed to work that night (his first since his surgery). I spent a very quite day tagging photos.
THIS WEEK I AM GRATEFUL FOR: The atoning sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Because of Him I KNOW that I will see my BJ again. Because of Him I can make mistakes and still be forgiven. Because of Him I have a loving Brother who will help me be the best that I can be.
Sorry work was such a pain when you got back, but hey, work will ALWAYS be there! Trips to San Diego won't!