Food 4 Thought Friday!

Food Thought Friday!

A little feast without the calories!! 

Please visit Jodi's blog!  She posts these for us.   Feel free to play along for some yummy fun! She will post a new one each Thursday night.  JOIN IN!!! 

Food 4 Thought Friday ~ This week's questions:

Breakfast ~ What is the best thing you cook or bake?
There are very few things that I cook or bake well.  I seriously struggle in the kitchen.  I remember trying so hard when the kids were little to create something that the whole family would enjoy, but more than once one of the kids would taste it and then ask, “who made this, mom or dad?”  When told it was me they would shake their heads and say, “no wonder it tastes so bad”.  This is a true story! 

However, I do have the ability to make killer brownies.  I found my recipe when I was only 8 or 9 years old and can pretty much make them in my sleep. 

Lunch ~ If you had to become a teacher of only one thing, what would you teach?
Since I worked so long and hard to become a teacher of nursing I am tempted to answer that I would continue teaching nursing.  However, (and I NEVER thought I would say this!) I think that I would like to teach about the gospel to adults.  In the past I felt that the teacher needed to be so smart, but I have since learned that the teacher ISN’T smart – but becomes knowledgeable through study so that he can present the lesson in a meaningful way.  I envy that intense learning of Christ and His teachings.

Dinner ~ Where do you blog from?  PC or laptop?  Describe your surroundings.
I blog on a desktop computer.  I feel much more comfortable on a desktop than a laptop.  My desktop is located in my “office”, Tasha’s old bedroom that I converted to a kind of office.  Years ago Kim built me a very large, very beautiful desk and matching overhead cabinets out of knotty alder wood.  It takes up a good portion of the room, and I LOVE it!

Midnight Snack ~ Out of these three items, which would you NOT want to give up and why?  *Dishwasher *Microwave *Vacuum?
If I had to I could give up a dishwasher, I wouldn’t like it but I could live without it.  I guess I could live without a vacuum, dirty carpets would be nasty, but I could live.  However, I probably would starve to death without a microwave!

Recipe for the Week ~ (instead of your recipe for life, what is it just for the week?)

Aligning myself with God’s will should be exciting and safe, not scary and hard.  He only wants the best for me and He knows much, much more than me.  I need to trust Him.

******************KIM'S ANSWERS*********************
Breakfast ~ What is the best thing you cook or bake?

Lunch ~ If you had to become a teacher of only one thing, what would you teach?
Shop, especially woodworking

Dinner ~ Where do you blog from?  PC or laptop?  Describe your surroundings.
WHAT?  Oh, you mean where does my wife blog for me from.

Midnight Snack ~ Out of these three items, which would you NOT want to give up and why?  *Dishwasher *Microwave *Vacuum?
Vacuum – why not?

Recipe for the Week ~ (instead of your recipe for life, what is it just for the week?)

After everything I've been through, I'm still smiling.  Not because I'm strong, but because I'm crazy now!


Jodi said…
You do make the BEST brownies!!! Haha so funny about what your kids said about your cooking! :)
Love your lunch! I HOPE HOPE HOPE you get called to Gospel Doctrine and I an attend! You would be THEE best teacher! You just have a way of teaching that I love!

I REALLY needed to hear your recipe of the week today! To me it IS scary! I always fear or worry that His will is going to really be hard and scary and I don't have enough faith to just let it go and turn it over sometimes! I do need to just trust Him! Still scary but I needed to hear that! THANKS so much!

SO glad Kim played along! He is always so entertaining!
I think we all are crazy, but HEY, we EARNED it!!! :)

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