Food 4 Thought Friday

Food Thought Friday!

A little feast without the calories!! 

Please visit Jodi's blog!  She posts these for us.   Feel free to play along for some yummy fun! She will post a new one each Thursday night.  JOIN IN!!! 

Food 4 Thought Friday ~ This week's questions:


Breakfast ~ What can you always be found with?
My phone.  I don’t have any idea how I survived without one for most of my life!  It is my lifeline now, especially with all of the internet capabilities and a great camera.

Lunch ~ If we Googled your name what would we see? 
I didn’t know, so I googled my name and a plethora of photos of young, thin, and pretty women popped up, so apparently I am young, thin, and pretty!

Dinner ~ Tell us about your fist kiss?
How sad is it that I can’t specifically remember my first kiss?  I believe that it happened in about the 3rd  grade where we were playing kiss tag or something.  My first real kiss with a boyfriend was when I was in 7th grade with a boy named Danny.  Not that I had anything to compare with, but I thought he was a wonderful kisser!

Midnight Snack ~ What is the farthest road trip you have taken? To where and how long was it?
I went to Mexico City with the 8th grade Spanish class, and then again in 11th grade.  I don’t know how long it really was, but I felt like it took months!

Recipe for the Week ~ (instead of your recipe for life, what is it just for the week?)

********************KIM'S ANSWERS************************

Breakfast ~ What can you always be found with?
A pocket knife

Lunch ~ If we Googled your name what would we see? 
Probably . . . me.

Dinner ~ Tell us about your fist kiss?
It was wet

Midnight Snack ~ What is the farthest road trip you have taken? To where and how long was it?
Kansas, it was really long because I was a baby.

Recipe for the Week ~ (instead of your recipe for life, what is it just for the week?)


Jodi said…
OH. MY. GOSH! I am laughing so hard right now at Kim's picture! That is HILARIOUS! I think you should frame that one! :) Love his Lunch answer. So glad he is back to playing! :)

So true about our phones! I have no idea how I lived without one! Especially when I had little kids! But somehow we managed.
First real kiss in 7th grade huh? I was an old maid compared to you! hehe
Love your recipe of the week!


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