Week in Review 7/31/16
I had a very interesting and quite spiritual experience this week. A good friend of mine has had a very difficult decision to make. She had two choices, both were good choices and either would lead her to a good, happy life, although each path would be quite different from each other thus the destinations would end up totally different. She had been worrying and stressing over these decisions for weeks. She has been so stressed that she has not been able to sleep, her stomach has been in constant knots.
My friend is a very spiritual person. She is not of my faith and she does not feel the need for organized religion, but she prays frequently and feels that she has a good relationship with God and Jesus Christ. She and her husband have been praying fervently for help in making the decision that would be best for her and her family. When she and I were talking I asked her what she was specifically praying for, I wondered if she was just asking God to give her the answer or if she had made a decision and prayed to know if it was the right one. She stated that both she and her husband were so weighed down with this decision that they just felt "broken" and that they had spent the night just praying to feel some peace.
She told me that because of her prayer the night before she was totally surprised when she woke that morning that she didn't feel any better and she was quite discouraged. But she prayed again and then kept a prayer in her heart throughout the morning. As she was telling me this I could see the turmoil that she was experiencing. She appeared to be having anxiety, was emotional, and looked weighed down. However, throughout the next couple of hours I actually saw a physical change come over her. She slowly started to relax, her head, which had been hanging down, started lifting. Her slumped shoulders straightened as she became calm. I asked her what was happening and she stated that all of the sudden she felt at peace. She said that she made her decision and that she felt totally, 100% at peace. She called her husband to tell him and he told her that he had stopped what he had been doing and said a prayer for her, specifically asking that she would feel peace, right at the same time that she started feeling peaceful.
It was so amazing to see how her countenance changed from one of stress and anxiety to one of peace and calmness. I felt the Savior's love for her in a very tangible way. I was able to see how much Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father love their children, and They know each one of us, and want the best for us. They love ALL of us, no matter what color, race, religion, or social status we may be. My testimony grew stronger that day. It was very emotional. I'm so happy that my friend got the peace she was seeking, and I feel so blessed to have been able to share in the manifestation of God's love.
I had Monday off this week because of the Pioneer Day holiday. It was very nice to have a day off, but honestly I did spend most of the day working, trying to get ready to prepare scenarios for make-up labs. When the students miss a lab they must make it up. Since the students who needed the make up had all missed different lab days and skills and concepts it was quite difficult to pull it all together to make it work for everyone. I think they turned out rather well, and the students did say that they enjoyed them.
Monday morning Tammy and I were able to go for a short walk. It was great! I miss walking with her. We didn't go very far or fast, but we had a great time. Later that afternoon Ashley texted and asked if I wanted to go for a "pokey walk". Knowing my sister the way I do, I assumed that she wanted to go for a slow walk, kind of like the "Pokey Puppy". I went to her house where she explained that she wanted to go for a walk to find Pokemon. Apparently she and Tristan have joined in the latest craze of Pokemon Go, which is a game in which you use your phone to locate Pokemon (which are invisible to the naked eye) and capture them.
People all over the world are playing this game. I believe that it was originally made to get people outside and exercising, which is good, but of course many people have made it into something that is not good. For example, on my walk last week I could see a car driving very slowly right behind me, occasionally stopping. At first I was concerned that he was following me but then I realized he was hunting for Pokemon! He drove past me, often times on the wrong side of the rode looking for the Pokemon. At one point I saw another car almost hit him because he was on the other side of the road. Crazy people! Anyway, I agreed to go for a pokey walk with Ash, however we soon discovered that we really didn't know how to find the creatures. Ash has found them before, but only with her son and his friend running the phone. Since we couldn't find anything, we decided to take a quick jaunt to Shanne's house to see if she or any of her children could help us. Unfortunately, Shanne didn't know how to play and her kids weren't home, but we did have a nice visit.
On our way home we decided to call Tasha for advice. She was able to give us directions and after much chaos, laughter, and merriment, Ash was finally able to capture one of the little guys. Whew! It was quite the adventure!
I worked at the hospital on Saturday, but there were no patients so I ended up working on the final for my pharm class. I am very grateful that I was able to use that time to get it done, but feel a little guilty that I didn't have to actually take care of any patients that day. Oh well, it is what it is, I guess.
Saturday night I was feeling, um, not sure how to describe it, just "off" I guess. I wasn't really sad, or happy, or tired, or depressed, nor did I have any energy to do anything. So, I talked myself into doing some yoga. I actually took my tablet, went outside in the dark, and did yoga from a video. I really think that I like yoga - or at least I will once I get to the point where I can better control my breathing and become familiar with the poses. It was so nice to be outside (I have missed summer nights this year), listening to the noises of the evening, looking up at the stars. The temperature was perfect, and thankfully I didn't have any mosquitoes bugging me. It was great. I think I will do that again soon.
My friend is a very spiritual person. She is not of my faith and she does not feel the need for organized religion, but she prays frequently and feels that she has a good relationship with God and Jesus Christ. She and her husband have been praying fervently for help in making the decision that would be best for her and her family. When she and I were talking I asked her what she was specifically praying for, I wondered if she was just asking God to give her the answer or if she had made a decision and prayed to know if it was the right one. She stated that both she and her husband were so weighed down with this decision that they just felt "broken" and that they had spent the night just praying to feel some peace.
She told me that because of her prayer the night before she was totally surprised when she woke that morning that she didn't feel any better and she was quite discouraged. But she prayed again and then kept a prayer in her heart throughout the morning. As she was telling me this I could see the turmoil that she was experiencing. She appeared to be having anxiety, was emotional, and looked weighed down. However, throughout the next couple of hours I actually saw a physical change come over her. She slowly started to relax, her head, which had been hanging down, started lifting. Her slumped shoulders straightened as she became calm. I asked her what was happening and she stated that all of the sudden she felt at peace. She said that she made her decision and that she felt totally, 100% at peace. She called her husband to tell him and he told her that he had stopped what he had been doing and said a prayer for her, specifically asking that she would feel peace, right at the same time that she started feeling peaceful.
It was so amazing to see how her countenance changed from one of stress and anxiety to one of peace and calmness. I felt the Savior's love for her in a very tangible way. I was able to see how much Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father love their children, and They know each one of us, and want the best for us. They love ALL of us, no matter what color, race, religion, or social status we may be. My testimony grew stronger that day. It was very emotional. I'm so happy that my friend got the peace she was seeking, and I feel so blessed to have been able to share in the manifestation of God's love.
I had Monday off this week because of the Pioneer Day holiday. It was very nice to have a day off, but honestly I did spend most of the day working, trying to get ready to prepare scenarios for make-up labs. When the students miss a lab they must make it up. Since the students who needed the make up had all missed different lab days and skills and concepts it was quite difficult to pull it all together to make it work for everyone. I think they turned out rather well, and the students did say that they enjoyed them.
Monday morning Tammy and I were able to go for a short walk. It was great! I miss walking with her. We didn't go very far or fast, but we had a great time. Later that afternoon Ashley texted and asked if I wanted to go for a "pokey walk". Knowing my sister the way I do, I assumed that she wanted to go for a slow walk, kind of like the "Pokey Puppy". I went to her house where she explained that she wanted to go for a walk to find Pokemon. Apparently she and Tristan have joined in the latest craze of Pokemon Go, which is a game in which you use your phone to locate Pokemon (which are invisible to the naked eye) and capture them.
People all over the world are playing this game. I believe that it was originally made to get people outside and exercising, which is good, but of course many people have made it into something that is not good. For example, on my walk last week I could see a car driving very slowly right behind me, occasionally stopping. At first I was concerned that he was following me but then I realized he was hunting for Pokemon! He drove past me, often times on the wrong side of the rode looking for the Pokemon. At one point I saw another car almost hit him because he was on the other side of the road. Crazy people! Anyway, I agreed to go for a pokey walk with Ash, however we soon discovered that we really didn't know how to find the creatures. Ash has found them before, but only with her son and his friend running the phone. Since we couldn't find anything, we decided to take a quick jaunt to Shanne's house to see if she or any of her children could help us. Unfortunately, Shanne didn't know how to play and her kids weren't home, but we did have a nice visit.
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She finally caught one! |
I worked at the hospital on Saturday, but there were no patients so I ended up working on the final for my pharm class. I am very grateful that I was able to use that time to get it done, but feel a little guilty that I didn't have to actually take care of any patients that day. Oh well, it is what it is, I guess.
Saturday night I was feeling, um, not sure how to describe it, just "off" I guess. I wasn't really sad, or happy, or tired, or depressed, nor did I have any energy to do anything. So, I talked myself into doing some yoga. I actually took my tablet, went outside in the dark, and did yoga from a video. I really think that I like yoga - or at least I will once I get to the point where I can better control my breathing and become familiar with the poses. It was so nice to be outside (I have missed summer nights this year), listening to the noises of the evening, looking up at the stars. The temperature was perfect, and thankfully I didn't have any mosquitoes bugging me. It was great. I think I will do that again soon.
This week I am grateful for: being able to feel God's love.