Week in Review 8-7-16
The 2016 Olympics
started this week. I love the Olympics. It may because it is because I feel a sense
of patriotism in joining with the rest of the nation in cheering on the USA
team. I’m in such awe of athletes who
work so hard to earn the honor of receiving an Olympic medal. I’m also so impressed with the athletes that
give everything they have just for the honor of competing when they know that
they have little to no chance of winning.
I love hearing the stories of the athletes, where they come from as well
as the struggles they have faced. The
funny thing is that any other time I am not at all interested in the sports or
of the athletes. It must have something
to do with the whole Olympic hype.
Whatever the reason, I find myself glued to the television and computer
during the Olympics.
My favorite events in the summer Olympics are
volleyball, both indoor as well as beach, gymnastics, and diving. I also enjoy swimming. However, I will pretty much watch any event,
in fact I found myself tethered to the cycling event yesterday. Watching cyclists cover 150 miles for 6
hours, unreal.
I was fortunate this
week that we were not busy at the hospital again this weekend so I was able to
catch the opening day of the Olympics. I’m
pretty sure that I won’t be so lucky next week, looks like it will be really
Monday we had a big faculty meeting at the
Layton campus. We spent several hours planning
our schedules for next semester. It
looks like I will be teaching a very small Fundamentals class along with the associated
in-house labs and team teaching with Sue for the Med/surg I class along with
the associated in-house labs. It is not
certain if I will be going to a clinical or not, but I am pretty much planning
on it. It looks like I won’t have to
teach in Murray this next semester!
Yea! Less driving.
Cyn and I had a fabulous time! The show was great, typical Star humor. We shared a pizza and a molten lava cake and
thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.
We drove back to
Layton and I stayed at her house for the night.
It is so nice that she is now living in Layton!
next night the adults in the ward had a barbeque dinner with great
entertainment. Brian Huff, Mike, Julie,
& Becky Collins along with their friend, Steve, who they used to perform
with, and also Peggy and Frank Szostek put together a fun band. It was really enjoyable. Kim went into work late so he could attend
and Ash also came along for a fun evening.
We have just a great ward!
We are not sure whether Rae is going to be
able to stay a major part of our lives.
We have absolutely loved having her join our family and are praying for
her to have the very best life possible.
Just to be on the safe side, I decided that she and I needed to have a
picture together.
She has engrained
herself into our family and is such a joy to be around. Just today she told me, “I am Kalel’s brother
and he is my step-sister”. She
entertained kim and I this afternoon with singing and playing the piano.

I’m not sure if I am
okay to say anything yet, but I’m going to anyway. The last several weeks I have been thinking a
lot about the piano. I haven’t played
much since I started school. I really
enjoy playing, I’m not very good, but I can do alright. Anyway I have been thinking that I really
need to start practicing again so that I could play if needed. I then started thinking about playing in
Relief Society, and I thought that I might enjoy that calling to accompany the
sisters as they sing hymns. It would be
a good way to get me to practice without too much pressure. Well, today the bishopric gave me the calling
as the Relief Society accompanist. To
say that I was ready for the calling was an understatement. For some reason the Lord saw fit to prepare
me to be ready for the calling I was being asked today. I’m not sure why, but it was very nice to be
able to accept the calling knowing that I really am supposed to be there. I just hope that no one minds all of my
This week I am
grateful for: the ability to watch and
enjoy the Olympics