Week in Review 9/4/16

This week marks the start of a new semester at my school.  This semester I will be team teaching the Med/Surg I class and doing all of the labs for that class.  I will also be doing clinicals in the Labor and Delivery department in Salt Lake.  Always learning and gaining more education and skills.  It should be a fun semester.

This is NOT me or my students!
The reading exercises that Robin is doing seem to be helping a little.  She is still really slow at processing the words.  In fact her son, Corbin, has been listening to her read and said, "Is this what it was like when you listened to me learn how to read?  Because it is BORING!"  She will be seeing an ophthalmologist and physical therapy next week.  She is really struggling with anxiety - but (drum roll, please!) she has not smoked since her stroke.  I AM SO PROUD OF HER!  To refrain from smoking while she is dealing with so many other stressors in her life is nothing short of amazing!

Kim's nephew, Alec and his lovely bride, Alexis, got married this week in the Brigham City temple.  They had an open house in California last Saturday, had the wedding and a dinner/reception here and then rushed off for another reception the next night in Idaho.  Whew!  It makes me tired even thinking about it.  Apparently Lexi's family made a vacation of their trip to California and stayed for a week.  Then the California Olsens traveled here to visit with the family for a week while Lexi's family returned to Idaho.

It is always so fun to visit with the California Olsens.  We spend hours just hanging out at Kim's mom's house, talking, laughing, and enjoying each other's company.  Kim even took a few days off work to spend time with his younger brother and family.  Kim and Doug helped with some minor repairs for Joan, the burden of handyman has fallen almost entirely on Kim lately since David's stroke so he was happy to have Doug's help.
Clockwise starting top left:  Kim and Doug comparing calves.  Lori showing her love for Doug.  Comparing the ability of spreading toes.  Corn-rowing Taylor's hair.

The wedding was beautiful.  It was especially nice because Patriarch Allred was the sealer.  He was wonderful, giving good advice at the same time using humor to keep everyone's attention.  He reminded them of the importance of keeping a Christ-centered home.  He also said that they were each marrying their best friend as well as the person who means the most to them, and to always remember that.  It was very nice.

I was taking pictures from far away and I accidentally took this one!  I guess the photographer told them all to "shake it off" so they did!
Here is a better one of just the bride and groom:

They are such a cute couple!  And I had to laugh, it was over 90 degrees, yet they both were wearing brown cowboy boots!
Heidi Photo-bombed us!  I love the combination of sunflowers and roses.  Doug and Lori and friend Greg.
The extended Olsen family performed their magic and transformed the church into a beautiful reception hall complete with lunch for over 200 guests!  

It was so beautiful!  We all stayed and took down the decorations and cleaned up.  The couple as well as the Idahoans headed north while the rest of us spent a quiet evening relaxing and visiting.  The next morning the California Olsens headed to Idaho for the third reception.  They were heading back to California from there.

Saturday Kim and I drove to Home Depo to get a bedroom door.  I haven't had a door on my bedroom since we moved downstairs two years ago, and I was excited to get one.  While we were there we came up with a great idea to make the door look nice - it is exciting!  We got back home and Kim started working on it while I painted the frame.  We had to make more than one trip down to Ace to pick up last minute things.  The last time Kim just had me go.  I was afraid that I would forget what he wanted so he promptly wrote me a note - ON A PIECE OF WOOD!  He told me that I wouldn't lose it that way.

I just love watching Kim work!  He is so talented!  Hopefully I will be able to post the completed door next week (keep your fingers crossed).

THIS WEEK I AM GRATEFUL FOR: The priesthood power for families to be sealed together for all eternity.


Jodi said…
Beautiful wedding! That's remarkable about your sister not smoking while going through all she is! WOW! So impressed!
I didn't know Kim made that door! Wow! Great job! He IS very talented!

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