Week in Review 10/9/16
think that I really like having Mondays off.
This week Tammy and I hung out all day together. I really miss the times when every Thursday
was “scrapbook with Tammy time” (although she just watched and visited most of
the time). I had Thursdays off most of
the time I was working for Dr. Dibble.
Thursdays were great – there was “Opera Thursday” where I broke out in
song without embarrassment or harassment whenever I felt the need to do
so. Thursday were the days when I would
schedule lunch dates with friends and family.
then spent the afternoon working on her family history – it was so fun because
we found some information that she had been looking for!
The next morning when I went outside to go to work I found this:
Yes, it is true, fall is officially here and my car windows were covered in frost! YUCK! I don't think that I am ready for the cold and snow of winter yet! One day, if I keep wishing enough I will actually have a garage or at least a carport to park in so I don't have windows to scrape in the mornings.
I renewed my CPR and BLS (basic life skills) that medical personnel have to renew every two years. The last few times I have renewed it at the hospital with all of the other nurses, and it didn't seem to effect me at all. This week I was able to re-certify at the college with a few of the students. It is funny how things can trigger you when you least expect it! For some reason this class brought back off the feelings and emotions that I was feeling when they were performing CPR and defibrillation on BJ. I haven't struggled with that for years, but during the class I was a mess! Luckily I was able to step out during the worst part so that no one could see me falling apart. Honestly, of all of the things that I would like to black out so I can't remember, watching the EMT's resuscitating BJ is at the top of the list.
I arrived a little late to school on Thursday - I wasn't late, but I was "late to be early". Of course, the one day I am running behind is the day when nothing goes smoothly. Usually on Thursdays we have class from 8:30 - 12:00 and then we have lab from 12:30 - 2:30. On a good day I will arrive early and get the lab ready before class. Getting ready means that I get out all of the supplies we need and also change out any body parts on the manikins to reflect the disease or wound process we are working on. This day, I wasn't able to get things set up before class - and of course I was teaching the class so I was mostly focused on getting the powerpoint and lecture part ready.
I ran over to class only to find that another course was using our classroom. Apparently there was some miscommunication about scheduling and so we had to switch and do our lab first and class second. I felt like I was yanking on a horse's reins yelling, "WHOA" to get it to stop and swiftly reverse directions! Okay, now I had to get my head out of the lecture part of the day, run into the lab to set up all of the manikins and supplies and get my mind to switch gears from lecture to lab information! It was crazy, but we were able to pull it off.
Here are pictures of Measha, Rinda, Nicci, and Jan practicing the skill of placing a nasogastric (NG) tube.
After class the all of the students talked me into going to lunch with them. We went to a Chinese buffet that was really good. This class only has 5 students right now so it was easy to include everyone in the plans.
Saturday was another clinical at the University of Utah. I love clinicals there, the students get such great learning experiences. This week between two students they saw 8 new babies born! The U is wonderful, but I came home absolutely EXHAUSTED! As much as I love being there, it is a really LONG day. For one thing, because the nurses are such great teachers and teach the students so much there is not a lot for me to do. I do make rounds about every hour to talk to each student (if they aren't in a room taking care of a patient with the door closed) but other than that I don't have much to do. I try to do some work on my computer, but it is difficult because I don't really have a specific place I can go. Sometimes I hang out in the waiting room with all of the families waiting for babies to be born, sometimes I hang out in the cafeteria, and sometimes I hang out in the lobby - but all of those places can get crowded and it is hard to concentrate. So basically there is a lot of downtime - and downtime is harder for me than being busy. I do love the post-conference at the end of the day where they students report on what they learned, but then I have the long drive home. Needless to say, I am dragging by the time I get home. Kim just laughed at me when I walked in because he said I look like a zombie. He then handed me some food and ushered me to bed. What a great guy!
Since I am between Family History classes Kim and I attended the Gospel Doctrine Sunday School class today. It was a fantastic lesson on the events that occurred in the Americas after Christ was crucified. One of the things that really struck me from the lesson was when Christ first appeared to the Nephite and Lamanite people. To prove to them that He was indeed the resurrected Christ He allowed each and every person there to touch the wounds in His hands and in His side. The instructor, Mike Collins, pointed out how patient Christ was to let each person experience that for himself. Mike stated that according to the scriptures there was at least 2500 people there. If each person took only 10 seconds to touch His hands and side it would have taken 7 hours and if each person took 15 seconds, it would have taken 10 hours so that each of them could have that experience. How patient Christ was! Another amazing testament of His goodness.
I was able to make contact with a great friend today that I haven't seen for about 12 years! Lynette and her family moved to Arizona and we lost touch. Thanks to the magic of Facebook I was able to find her. We chatted for a good part of the afternoon about all of the fun and exciting things that have happened during those years. It was so good to chat with her! We had some great times together when our kids were young. Apparently her son is living close to here, so next time they visit they are going to stop by to see us - I can't wait. She is also trying to talk us into making a trip to their house, it would be fun. I hope we can make it work.
Here are some random pictures of my cute grandkids this week.
the next several weeks I have Mondays off because I am doing clinicals on
Saturdays. It is fun having a day off in
the middle of the week – but I’m not sure that I like giving up my Saturday to get
it. Tammy and I spent some time visiting
my dad, I think he loved her company, we then went out to Robin’s house and
visited for a while. Of course, we then
had to eat, so we had lunch at Old Grist Mill. It was a chilly day so cheesy potato soup just
hit the spot!
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After Ashley got off work we ran over to see
her new cabinets and kitchen remodel.
They are gorgeous!
The next morning when I went outside to go to work I found this:
Yes, it is true, fall is officially here and my car windows were covered in frost! YUCK! I don't think that I am ready for the cold and snow of winter yet! One day, if I keep wishing enough I will actually have a garage or at least a carport to park in so I don't have windows to scrape in the mornings.
I renewed my CPR and BLS (basic life skills) that medical personnel have to renew every two years. The last few times I have renewed it at the hospital with all of the other nurses, and it didn't seem to effect me at all. This week I was able to re-certify at the college with a few of the students. It is funny how things can trigger you when you least expect it! For some reason this class brought back off the feelings and emotions that I was feeling when they were performing CPR and defibrillation on BJ. I haven't struggled with that for years, but during the class I was a mess! Luckily I was able to step out during the worst part so that no one could see me falling apart. Honestly, of all of the things that I would like to black out so I can't remember, watching the EMT's resuscitating BJ is at the top of the list.
I ran over to class only to find that another course was using our classroom. Apparently there was some miscommunication about scheduling and so we had to switch and do our lab first and class second. I felt like I was yanking on a horse's reins yelling, "WHOA" to get it to stop and swiftly reverse directions! Okay, now I had to get my head out of the lecture part of the day, run into the lab to set up all of the manikins and supplies and get my mind to switch gears from lecture to lab information! It was crazy, but we were able to pull it off.
Here are pictures of Measha, Rinda, Nicci, and Jan practicing the skill of placing a nasogastric (NG) tube.
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Nicci using Measha's hair to pretend hers is long and blonde |
Saturday was another clinical at the University of Utah. I love clinicals there, the students get such great learning experiences. This week between two students they saw 8 new babies born! The U is wonderful, but I came home absolutely EXHAUSTED! As much as I love being there, it is a really LONG day. For one thing, because the nurses are such great teachers and teach the students so much there is not a lot for me to do. I do make rounds about every hour to talk to each student (if they aren't in a room taking care of a patient with the door closed) but other than that I don't have much to do. I try to do some work on my computer, but it is difficult because I don't really have a specific place I can go. Sometimes I hang out in the waiting room with all of the families waiting for babies to be born, sometimes I hang out in the cafeteria, and sometimes I hang out in the lobby - but all of those places can get crowded and it is hard to concentrate. So basically there is a lot of downtime - and downtime is harder for me than being busy. I do love the post-conference at the end of the day where they students report on what they learned, but then I have the long drive home. Needless to say, I am dragging by the time I get home. Kim just laughed at me when I walked in because he said I look like a zombie. He then handed me some food and ushered me to bed. What a great guy!
Since I am between Family History classes Kim and I attended the Gospel Doctrine Sunday School class today. It was a fantastic lesson on the events that occurred in the Americas after Christ was crucified. One of the things that really struck me from the lesson was when Christ first appeared to the Nephite and Lamanite people. To prove to them that He was indeed the resurrected Christ He allowed each and every person there to touch the wounds in His hands and in His side. The instructor, Mike Collins, pointed out how patient Christ was to let each person experience that for himself. Mike stated that according to the scriptures there was at least 2500 people there. If each person took only 10 seconds to touch His hands and side it would have taken 7 hours and if each person took 15 seconds, it would have taken 10 hours so that each of them could have that experience. How patient Christ was! Another amazing testament of His goodness.
I was able to make contact with a great friend today that I haven't seen for about 12 years! Lynette and her family moved to Arizona and we lost touch. Thanks to the magic of Facebook I was able to find her. We chatted for a good part of the afternoon about all of the fun and exciting things that have happened during those years. It was so good to chat with her! We had some great times together when our kids were young. Apparently her son is living close to here, so next time they visit they are going to stop by to see us - I can't wait. She is also trying to talk us into making a trip to their house, it would be fun. I hope we can make it work.
Here are some random pictures of my cute grandkids this week.
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Look at that height and form! |
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My cute little kitchen helper |
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Kalel watching Mindcraft videos. He would rather watch someone else play than play himself. |
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Playing Candy Land |
This week I am grateful for:
The internet and for all of the resources available now.