Week in Review 11/20/16

Monday:  No Pictures
Our Monday Magnificent Ladies' Day turned out to be a fabulous potato and dessert bar.  Ash, Robin, Tammy, and Marilyn all came.  Ashley insisted that we meet at her house so that she could get fashion advice on what she should wear for her upcoming family photos.  The food was marvelous (and inexpensive - bonus!), and the company even better.  I am not looking forward to the time when I won't be able to spend every Monday with my favorite people.

My students had the opportunity this week to teach hygiene and basic first aid to the clients at LINC (Life-Skills and Individual Needs Center).  It was fabulous!  The students did a phenomenal job interacting with the clients.  I was so proud of them!  The clients were in a bit of an upheaval because there was some remodeling construction going on and they had to move to another place.  Some of the clients were a little confused and agitated at the change and my students helped to buffer.  I personally enjoyed working with the clients who are so happy with little things, so "right in the moment",  and so appreciative.  It was a great experience!

The very best part of this week?  Sister's Retreat!  Roxane was able to arrange to use her boss's cabin for the weekend and it was MAGNIFICENT!

We each had our own private bed and bathroom - I was in the master and I believe the bathroom was larger than my kitchen at home!  There were six gas fireplaces so we were never cold.  We sat inside looking out of the beautiful windows and watched deer congregate in the yard. I went on a walk past the 3-hold golf course and found myself on this bridge listening to the sound of the water cascading over the rocks and felt  such peace to be surrounded by God's beauty.
We spent the weekend talking, laughing, doing crafts,playing games, and crying.  Rox brought up her Cricut paper cutter and we had a blast making Christmas tags and decor.  We played tons of games - the favorite was Egyptian Ratskrew.

I ordered matching shirts for all of us.  I guess everyone liked them because we all wore them the entire weekend!

One of the very best parts of the retreat (although it was also the hardest) was the deep talks that we had.  We all disclosed our fears, our inadequacies, our struggles, and perceived psychotic tendencies.  We felt safe in sharing, we were able to lean on each other.  We  gave advice and voiced opinions that were hard to hear.    Tears were shed, stories shared, shoulders were given to lean on, and our love for each other grew.  We trusted each other.  Emotions were very strong throughout the weekend, but it felt like there was some much needed cleansing.  I love my sisters so much!

Unfortunately all great vacations have to end - and our ending was quite memorable.  Rob and Ash and Julie all left.  Rox and I got into the car and . . . nothing happened!  The battery was dead!  I raced up the hill to try to catch Julie and to try to get a signal so my cell would work, but to no avail.  Rox was smarter than I and she went back into the house to the one spot where there was cell reception and called her husband to come to jump the battery.  Rox and I were able to get in a couple of games of Catan while we were waiting.  Finally Jeff arrived and we were able to head home.  However it was late afternoon at his point and I hadn't had anything to eat, only drink.  Empty stomach with liquid + winding roads = car sickness for me.  And - I was sick!  I made it most of the way, but had to have Rox pull off the road - TWICE - so that I could spill my cookies.  YUCK!  It was a most miserable trip home.  I even had to stop and rest for an hour at Rox's house before I could drive the rest of the way home.  After I finally got home and into bed I realized that I was too miserable for too long - it couldn't be motion sickness.  Nope!  I had a bad case of the stomach flu!

But I am so very grateful that I waited to get sick until the retreat was over.

Feelings and emotions shared.


Jodi said…
Oh my goodness what a gorgeous cabin! You guys are very blessed and lucky to have such a strong bond. When I read things like this, I always get sad I don't have any sisters. At least birth sisters. I feel like I do have adopted sisters that I can be close to as well.
Where is this cabin? I am glad you had so much fun! Sorry you got sick!

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