Week in Review 12/18/16

Monday morning I headed to work full of trepidation, still in shock to think that Sally would no longer be our leader.  Sue and I talked for a long time about the ramifications, but of course since we didn't have any information all we could do was speculate.  Finally we got a message that we were to go to the Salt Lake Campus for a meeting with the CEO of the company.  Finally we would get some answers.  Since the meeting was scheduled for afternoon, we called Sally and asked her if she would like to meet Sue and I for lunch before the meeting.

It was great to talk to her.  She truly is a good friend.  She let us know how much she enjoyed working with us and let us know that she expected to be included in many lunches in the future.  I just love that lady.

After lunch we headed to the meeting, which was actually very good.  The CEO told us that he wanted to know what our questions and concerns were and just opened up the floor.  Sue spoke up and said that she felt we all worked very well together and attributed much of our success to Sally's influence, we all agreed.  When no one else spoke I got brave and said that I felt it was important to address the elephant in the room - were our jobs in jeopardy in any way?  The CEO acted very surprised that I would ask that, but when the others echoed my concern he told us that Sally's leaving had nothing to do with the future of the nursing department or our jobs.  He stated that nursing is the major focus of our school and that our jobs were secure.  Whew!  We then were able to address upcoming issues that normally we would have discussed with Sally.  We still don't know who our new boss will be or if there will be any other big changes, but at least he answered some important questions.

The next day he stopped into my office to talk with me privately and thanked me for being so upfront with my questions.  He also asked if I had any more questions.  I really appreciated that.  As much as I am going to miss Sally, at this point all we can do is continue to do what we do until they hire someone to replace her.

Later that day Sue and I had a meeting with one of our students to inform them that they hadn't passed a class and would have to repeat it.  YUCK!  I hate that part of teaching!  I care so much about my students that it just breaks my heart when they don't pass.  However, I really want them to be successful and if they can't pass, then they NEED to repeat the class.  Their jobs will be dealing with life and death and we can't cut any corners.

Monday night I was invited to play games with the Parrishes and a wonderful lady in the ward, Anna Marie Asay.  Anna Marie is an amazing lady, she is a world traveler and has gone on over 25 cruises! She has the most interesting Christmas tree ornaments from all over the world.   She lost her husband several years ago to Parkinson's disease.  We had a great time!  We played several games including Telestrations.  We laughed hysterically!  Marilyn brought hot fudge brownies and ice cream - my favorite!  It was a really fun night.

Wednesday my good friend and former classmate, Rhondi, stopped by the campus to visit with Sue and I.  She is going to be working for our school as an adjunct clinical instructor.  That evening we celebrated Tristan's birthday with all of the family.  I brought a DVD I had made awhile ago showing Christmases of the Duerden family through the years.  Everyone enjoyed it so much that we watched it twice!  I just love revisiting good memories!

Shandra was the recipient of a very generous Christmas donation from her school (isn't that awesome?) and so I watched Kalel and Raelynn for the rest of the evening while she and Jason did some Christmas shopping.  I can't believe how much I love those two little munchkins!  Kalel is a great big brother and Raelynn loves him.  Both of them are great snugglers and we love to cuddle up together.  It took awhile to condition Rae to snuggle, but now she is a master!  We are so blessed to have them.

Thursday morning I woke to Kim's voice asking me why I wasn't up - I had forgotten to set my alarm!  Urrg!  I hate when that happens, it seems like the whole day is off when you are behind before it even starts.  I had a ton of work to do and before the day even started I was behind schedule.  The students love the time between semesters, but the faculty work harder during that time trying to finish up the grading and then getting everything ready for the next semester.  Since I will be teaching a class I haven't taught before I have double the work.  (I'm not complaining, just explaining!)  Luckily the rest of the day was pretty much uneventful and I was able to focus on work.

Friday afternoon a really bad storm hit, so I left early to beat it.  Have I mentioned that I don't like driving in snow?
I am so glad that I have my Subaru!  It was pretty slick in places.
It's not very deep, but it was rain that turned to ice so it was very slick!
Kim and I decided that we really needed to get some Christmas shopping done so we had a much-needed shopping date.  We were able to finish almost everything on our list, and it was very nice to spend time with Kim.  We don't get to see each other nearly enough.  Unfortunately, we had to sacrifice our ward party in order to have our date.  I heard it was a great party.

Saturday we got to spend the day with Kalel and Raelynn while Shandra and Jason worked.  We had to run to Ogden to pick up one gift and dragged the poor kids along.  It was much too crowded to have fun shopping with kids in tow.  They got quite grumpy which made Kim and I grumpy too.  Not fun for anyone.  Kim was also stressed about getting home to finish some carving he has been doing as gifts.  We got home, started a movie for the kids and then Kim told me that he had some carvings ready to paint.  I was totally blown away when he presented me with carving after carving ready to paint.  I had no idea that he had carved so much!  Granted, they were all small, pencils and ornaments, but he has really been busy!  It was fun but also stressful to paint for him again - it has been awhile.  I covered the kitchen table with a drop cloth and started painting.

Kim creating in his favorite chair.  I love to watch him carve.

All ready to paint.

A sample of his carvings:  Snowman families, snowman ornaments, Santa figurines, and Santa pencils
I painted late into the night getting base coats on most everything, but was overwhelmed at all the work that still needed to be done.

Sunday morning Shandra dropped off the kids early (4:30) on her way to work.  Luckily they went back to sleep!  I rushed to get ready for the early morning choir practice and poor Kim had to get the kids ready and fed and to church on time.  Our choir sang "Christmas Alleluia" by Sharon Bagley and it was very nice.  I love singing in the church choir.  We do a pretty good job, not professional by any means, but we have a great time and sound okay.  Brian Huff is the choir director and he is a real trooper!  He really dislikes leading us, he would much rather be singing than leading, but he puts his whole heart and soul into it.

Ward Choir 2016 from back left:  Will, Marshall, Conner, Blake, Mont, Frank, Steve, Doc
Chris, Anita, Audrey, Peggy, Julie, Robyn, Marilyn, Jonelle, Jennilynn, Nancy, Andrea (accompanist)
I spent the remainder of the day painting.  I love that Kim is carving again, but sometimes it is hard to do the painting when it is so close to Christmas!  I just want to have it all done so that I don't have to worry about painting when Tasha and Zane are here - which is very soon, YEA!  Actually they arrived today and are staying for a couple of days with Zane's parents and then they are coming here.  I CAN'T WAIT!

Shandra and Tasha are both doing terrific in school.  I couldn't be prouder of them.  It is amazing - both of them gave me a scare that they wouldn't be able to graduate from high school - and now they are both honor students.  I knew that they both are very intelligent, but I guess they needed to find the right time to apply themselves.

My wonderful, crazy, aggravating, fun-loving, and talented family


Jodi said…
Love the choir picture! Great idea to take one! Wish I could sing and I would join ya! Love that you guys went to Anna Maries! She is such a fun lady! I hope young-uns will want to hang out with me when I am her age!
Sounds like work is a bit crazy! I am so proud of you whenever I read about your job because I know how long and hard you worked to get there! You are amazing and your girls are following right in your footsteps!

Those carvings blow me away! So so so amazing! I could probably paint my own, but I would have to have a model to look at. Either way, I just really want one! I have several snowman of fives or seven that I bought to represent my family and when I saw those I screamed with how cute they were with the family name and all!
I love your weekly gratitude post and I keep saying I am going to start that but keep forgetting!

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