Week in Review 1/1/17 Happy New Year!
The Week after Christmas
Monday - Kim and I helped Marilyn clean their new house in Mantua. They will be renting it for the next few months. Mont is leaving soon to head to Dallas, but Marilyn and Marshall will be here until July when she finishes her internship. Their "new" house is 100 years old and has some great character, but it needed some serious cleaning. Unfortunately Mont was really sick and couldn't join us. We took a break for lunch and had burgers at the new Mantua store which is only four houses away from their house. The burgers were GREAT! We will definitely eat there again!.
Tuesday - Shandra and Jason rode with us and Tasha and Zane met us in Salt Lake for dinner at Applebees before we headed to the Desert Start to watch "Nutcraker, Men in Tights". I was hoping the the guys would enjoy the play, and they did! It was really funny and everyone absolutely loved it! I'm so glad. The grandkids were at the other parents and none of us had to work the next day, so after we got home we stayed up late and played games. I just love that our family likes to play games! It is the best!
Wednesday - Lazy Day! We all stayed in our PJ's all day and watched movies and played more games. It has become a tradition to watch The Librarian trilogy during the Christmas holidays, so we watched that as well as several episodes of the Librarian tv drama. Nice day!
Thursday - For Christmas Tasha gave Ash a certificate for a massage and Thursday morning was the day. It was Ash's first massage ever, and she loved it, of course! We played 4 Pics on the tv for a bit and then Tasha and Zane took off for his folks house. Oh how I am going to miss them when they return home! After they left I took a nap - and woke 4 hours later! Wow, I must have needed that!
Friday - morning I picked up Tasha and we drove to Cyn's house so that they could visit. I just love the way Cyn is so good to me and also to my girls. They just love her as much as I do! We played Pirates of the Caribbean Life and had a great visit. I then dropped Tasha off and said good-by to her and Zane - I HATE THAT!
We came home and took the kids to see the movie, Moana. It was a great movie! The entire time she was on the beach I felt the beach calling out to me, saying, "Audrey, this is where you belong!" It really felts like home to me . . hmmm I wonder if I could convince Kim of that?
Saturday - We spent Saturday getting ready for and having our New Year's Eve party. We had tons and tons of food, games, and fun! Cyn, Tori, and Travis drove up and the Parrishes. Braeggers, and Lotts joined us.
We are so fortunate to have such great friends to help us celebrate the new year. We had a fantastic time and laughed and laughed (at least the gals did - they guys sat in the other room and did some bonding). However, I can tell we are getting old because within 5 minutes after midnight all of the guests left! Time for bed.
Tasha and Zane had flights out of Provo Saturday morning, but they were delayed several times due to fog. Unfortunately they ended up having to stay in Provo over night. We felt so bad that they had to spend New Year's Eve alone in a city where they didn't know anyone. They were able to fly out the next day and made it home safe and sound.
Sunday - One of the speakers in church quoted Patrick Kearon of the Seventy from the October 2010 conference. I loved it, so I'm printing it here.
" Brethren, we find healing and relief only when we bring ourselves to the feet of the Great Physician, our Savior, Jesus Christ. We must lay down our weapons of rebellion (and we each know what they are). We must lay down our sin, vanity, and pride. We must give up our desires to follow the world and to be respected and lauded by the world. We must cease fighting against God and instead give our whole hearts to Him, holding nothing back. Then He can heal us. Then He can cleanse us from the venomous sting of sin."

Tuesday - Shandra and Jason rode with us and Tasha and Zane met us in Salt Lake for dinner at Applebees before we headed to the Desert Start to watch "Nutcraker, Men in Tights". I was hoping the the guys would enjoy the play, and they did! It was really funny and everyone absolutely loved it! I'm so glad. The grandkids were at the other parents and none of us had to work the next day, so after we got home we stayed up late and played games. I just love that our family likes to play games! It is the best!
Wednesday - Lazy Day! We all stayed in our PJ's all day and watched movies and played more games. It has become a tradition to watch The Librarian trilogy during the Christmas holidays, so we watched that as well as several episodes of the Librarian tv drama. Nice day!
Thursday - For Christmas Tasha gave Ash a certificate for a massage and Thursday morning was the day. It was Ash's first massage ever, and she loved it, of course! We played 4 Pics on the tv for a bit and then Tasha and Zane took off for his folks house. Oh how I am going to miss them when they return home! After they left I took a nap - and woke 4 hours later! Wow, I must have needed that!

We came home and took the kids to see the movie, Moana. It was a great movie! The entire time she was on the beach I felt the beach calling out to me, saying, "Audrey, this is where you belong!" It really felts like home to me . . hmmm I wonder if I could convince Kim of that?
Saturday - We spent Saturday getting ready for and having our New Year's Eve party. We had tons and tons of food, games, and fun! Cyn, Tori, and Travis drove up and the Parrishes. Braeggers, and Lotts joined us.
We are so fortunate to have such great friends to help us celebrate the new year. We had a fantastic time and laughed and laughed (at least the gals did - they guys sat in the other room and did some bonding). However, I can tell we are getting old because within 5 minutes after midnight all of the guests left! Time for bed.
Tasha and Zane had flights out of Provo Saturday morning, but they were delayed several times due to fog. Unfortunately they ended up having to stay in Provo over night. We felt so bad that they had to spend New Year's Eve alone in a city where they didn't know anyone. They were able to fly out the next day and made it home safe and sound.
Sunday - One of the speakers in church quoted Patrick Kearon of the Seventy from the October 2010 conference. I loved it, so I'm printing it here.
" Brethren, we find healing and relief only when we bring ourselves to the feet of the Great Physician, our Savior, Jesus Christ. We must lay down our weapons of rebellion (and we each know what they are). We must lay down our sin, vanity, and pride. We must give up our desires to follow the world and to be respected and lauded by the world. We must cease fighting against God and instead give our whole hearts to Him, holding nothing back. Then He can heal us. Then He can cleanse us from the venomous sting of sin."