December 2018
The Olsen Family Christmas party is always tons of fun. The Woodlands were in charge this year and it was a craft party. They had several fun Christmas crafts like painting and assembling snowman ornaments, rock nativity sets, and Christmas eye-spy bottles. For the little ones there was coloring pages and pipe cleaner activities.
The California Olsens were able to attend for the first time in many years. A great time was had by all. Since all of the brothers and sisters were here, we got some great family pictures. The first one is a common sight in the Olsen home - Kim and Douglas comparing their "pregnant" bellies. We all agreed that they are both measuring about eight months! Each year we thrilled that Joan is able to make it to the party, she surprises us all with her endurance!
My dad never truly recovered from his pneumonia months ago. He was pretty much bound to a wheelchair because he didn't have the strength and balance to stand on his own. And, he HATED the fact that he was constantly told to sit down. His cognition continued to decline. But, he was still cheerful and happy to be around. He didn't have much interest in his books or pictures, and his speech was difficult to understand. He still recognized family members and was always happy to see us. The staff continually told us how much they enjoyed having him around.
On Sunday, Dec 2 he started getting sick. The staff said that he didn't get out of bed because he was too tired. He was very sleepy and didn't talk much while we were there, but he didn't seem to be in any distress. The next day I got a call from Robin who said that she was very worried about dad. He ate his lunch, but then he said that he couldn't see. She said that he reached out and held her hand and acted scared. I rushed home and found that he was asleep again. We began to suspect that he wasn't going to be with us long. We notified the Hospice nurse and then called the sisters. I took the next day off of work and all of us just spent time reminiscing and sharing great memories together. It was a very special time and one that I will always cherish. Dad didn't respond much, but I believe he was listening to us. On Tuesday night the entire family joined together while Jeff and Jaxon gave dad a blessing. It was very powerful! In the blessing he released dad to join Mom and BJ and all of his other loved ones in heaven. He told Dad that he had touched many lives with his cheerfulness and willingness to help. He blessed us, his daughters. It was a wonderful blessing and I don't think there was a dry eye in the room. Afterward, Jeff told us that he had a distinct feeling that Mom was in the room with us. I felt it too. I was supposed to teach a class on Wednesday, but I just didn't feel good about leaving dad. Of course my co-workers were more than willing to cover for me, so I that day off as well. Robin and I spent all morning at Gables with dad. Kenzie joined us. Robin was very teary and sad. She had been dad's main caretaker for over a year, she really enjoyed visiting him at Gables. She was very sad to think that this part of visiting dad was ending. Either Kenzie or I made a funny comment that made Robin start to laugh. She was laughing hard, a real belly laugh. At that exact moment, my dad took his last breath. Kenzie looked at me and said that it was so peaceful and I totally agreed. It was as if Dad was waiting for Robin to laugh, to be happy, and then he just peacefully left. Roxane and Ashley arrived just minutes later.
The Hospice staff and the Gables staff were both amazing! They gave us time to say our good-byes before the funeral staff came in. The Gables staff were all in tears! They truly loved Dad. They told us many stories of his teasing and helping. It was so touching! Through them and the last few years of taking care of him, I have truly seen what a good man he is.
Then it was time to decide what we wanted to do for his memorial service. It was amazing how all of the sisters agreed on everything and there were no arguments or disagreements. We all felt that we didn't want a formal funeral, so we decided to a Celebration of Life instead. We decorated the funeral home with memories and mementos of Dad's life. Kelly and Danette made the casket spray and another fun flower arrangement in one of Dad's shiny boots. They placed several tools, screwdrivers, wrenches, etc. in the arrangements so it really was something Dad would enjoy. For Dad's 75th birthday I had made a video of his life, I added some pictures from the last ten years and we showed it throughout the afternoon. Bob and Kate drove down and spent some time with us, it was so good to see them! Bob was thrilled that he was featured many times in the video. It was a wonderful celebration. I was so happy that dad's brother, Verle, and family all came. Many people shared wonderful stories. We opted not to have any service at the graveside. We all went there before the celebration and had our own private moments.
In retrospect I wonder if it would have been better to hold the celebration in the evening. Several people mentioned to us that they were not able to attend because of work. Also, we did not get the obituary in the local paper before the celebration because it only comes out once a week, and we didn't put it in the Ogden paper because we didn't think anyone would see it. Apparently, we were mistaken. Oh well, it still was a very nice celebration.
The next weekend we had scheduled for the entire family to go up to Wolf Creek, however, no one could go, so Kim and I headed up there all alone. Funny, this time we actually had a 3 bedroom, just for the two of us. Kim surprised me by bringing up Christmas lights and hanging them all around the main living room. It was very festive! We had a very relaxing four days, it was much needed and appreciated. We have always said that if we came into some money we would purchase more credits so we could better use our condo time, and since I was getting a small amount from the sale of Dad's house, we decided to invest it into some more condo time. I feel like the condo is our "cabin in the woods" that we can use to escape the world and build relationships. If we bought a cabin it would be a lot more money, so we are excited for this extra time!
Tasha and Zane finally arrived for the holidays. Yea, Happy Day! It feels like the Christmas Season is officially here once they arrive. They weren't able to make if for dad's celebration, so we were doubly excited to see them when they got here.
The week before Christmas my work had a challenge for the costumes assigned during the week. I thought I was pretty crazy until I saw was some of the other campuses had done! It was lots of fun to spice up the work day with fun craziness!
For our annual work party we had the opportunity to have a Paint Party. Since Tasha was here I invited her to join us since she enjoys these parties. There was tons of good food, pot-luck by everybody, and a really fun paint instructor. We had a blast, but I'll admit, I didn't like how mine turned out. Paint parties are fun even if I'm not very good.
On December 23rd the family met at Grandma Olsen's house for Kiaya's blessing. Bishop Johnny Hepworth was also there to officiate. Kiaya looked so beautiful in the blessing gown that cousin Heidi had made.
Grandpa Bob performed the blessing. It was very beautiful and a very special day.
Christmas Eve
What a fun Christmas Eve! Robin's house was perfect for the party. We ate our traditional turkey dinner - with pistachio pudding salad of course - played some fun games, and then we opened our gifts.
Our Christmas PJ's were simple this year, just a white tee shirt that says, "I Wanna Hippopotamus for Christmas", For some reason everyone loves this annual tradition, so we keep doing it year after year.
I feel like it was a good Christmas this year. Most of us received Harry Potter wands, so we spent a good share of the day learning and casting spells at each other. I made photo books of Kiaya and Ish that Shandra and Tasha loved. I don't know why I feel such a need to preserve memories, but I just HAVE to! Zane and Kalel got a "poop" tossing game where they scored points for catching a squishy pile of fake poop. Of course they loved it! Ish's favorite gift was a set of drums that Kalel got for him. He was pretty good at playing them!
Kim's mom had a fairly good day, it was good to see her up and about all prettied up in her red sweater. Mickel made her wonderful candies for us again, something we always look forward to. After breakfast of ebelskivers by Kristiann we all headed off - Kim and I to take a long nap, Kalel went to his dad's, and the Hunzekers to Joyce and Gary's house. I just love having my whole family together for Christmas!
It is always a favorite time when Cyn comes to play. The entire family drops everything to play games together. I think family games are the best way to keep and improve family relationships. And Cyn is the best game player, EVER! During these games we laugh and talk and learn all about each other. Cyn has been so busy lately that it has been a long time since we have played together, so we were all thrilled when she was able to make it up for a fun, fun night.
Misc Pictures of Kiaya
I feel so blessed to be able to spend the Christmas season with my family. We have such great times together.
The California Olsens were able to attend for the first time in many years. A great time was had by all. Since all of the brothers and sisters were here, we got some great family pictures. The first one is a common sight in the Olsen home - Kim and Douglas comparing their "pregnant" bellies. We all agreed that they are both measuring about eight months! Each year we thrilled that Joan is able to make it to the party, she surprises us all with her endurance!
My dad never truly recovered from his pneumonia months ago. He was pretty much bound to a wheelchair because he didn't have the strength and balance to stand on his own. And, he HATED the fact that he was constantly told to sit down. His cognition continued to decline. But, he was still cheerful and happy to be around. He didn't have much interest in his books or pictures, and his speech was difficult to understand. He still recognized family members and was always happy to see us. The staff continually told us how much they enjoyed having him around.
On Sunday, Dec 2 he started getting sick. The staff said that he didn't get out of bed because he was too tired. He was very sleepy and didn't talk much while we were there, but he didn't seem to be in any distress. The next day I got a call from Robin who said that she was very worried about dad. He ate his lunch, but then he said that he couldn't see. She said that he reached out and held her hand and acted scared. I rushed home and found that he was asleep again. We began to suspect that he wasn't going to be with us long. We notified the Hospice nurse and then called the sisters. I took the next day off of work and all of us just spent time reminiscing and sharing great memories together. It was a very special time and one that I will always cherish. Dad didn't respond much, but I believe he was listening to us. On Tuesday night the entire family joined together while Jeff and Jaxon gave dad a blessing. It was very powerful! In the blessing he released dad to join Mom and BJ and all of his other loved ones in heaven. He told Dad that he had touched many lives with his cheerfulness and willingness to help. He blessed us, his daughters. It was a wonderful blessing and I don't think there was a dry eye in the room. Afterward, Jeff told us that he had a distinct feeling that Mom was in the room with us. I felt it too. I was supposed to teach a class on Wednesday, but I just didn't feel good about leaving dad. Of course my co-workers were more than willing to cover for me, so I that day off as well. Robin and I spent all morning at Gables with dad. Kenzie joined us. Robin was very teary and sad. She had been dad's main caretaker for over a year, she really enjoyed visiting him at Gables. She was very sad to think that this part of visiting dad was ending. Either Kenzie or I made a funny comment that made Robin start to laugh. She was laughing hard, a real belly laugh. At that exact moment, my dad took his last breath. Kenzie looked at me and said that it was so peaceful and I totally agreed. It was as if Dad was waiting for Robin to laugh, to be happy, and then he just peacefully left. Roxane and Ashley arrived just minutes later.

The Hospice staff and the Gables staff were both amazing! They gave us time to say our good-byes before the funeral staff came in. The Gables staff were all in tears! They truly loved Dad. They told us many stories of his teasing and helping. It was so touching! Through them and the last few years of taking care of him, I have truly seen what a good man he is.
Then it was time to decide what we wanted to do for his memorial service. It was amazing how all of the sisters agreed on everything and there were no arguments or disagreements. We all felt that we didn't want a formal funeral, so we decided to a Celebration of Life instead. We decorated the funeral home with memories and mementos of Dad's life. Kelly and Danette made the casket spray and another fun flower arrangement in one of Dad's shiny boots. They placed several tools, screwdrivers, wrenches, etc. in the arrangements so it really was something Dad would enjoy. For Dad's 75th birthday I had made a video of his life, I added some pictures from the last ten years and we showed it throughout the afternoon. Bob and Kate drove down and spent some time with us, it was so good to see them! Bob was thrilled that he was featured many times in the video. It was a wonderful celebration. I was so happy that dad's brother, Verle, and family all came. Many people shared wonderful stories. We opted not to have any service at the graveside. We all went there before the celebration and had our own private moments.
In retrospect I wonder if it would have been better to hold the celebration in the evening. Several people mentioned to us that they were not able to attend because of work. Also, we did not get the obituary in the local paper before the celebration because it only comes out once a week, and we didn't put it in the Ogden paper because we didn't think anyone would see it. Apparently, we were mistaken. Oh well, it still was a very nice celebration.
The next weekend we had scheduled for the entire family to go up to Wolf Creek, however, no one could go, so Kim and I headed up there all alone. Funny, this time we actually had a 3 bedroom, just for the two of us. Kim surprised me by bringing up Christmas lights and hanging them all around the main living room. It was very festive! We had a very relaxing four days, it was much needed and appreciated. We have always said that if we came into some money we would purchase more credits so we could better use our condo time, and since I was getting a small amount from the sale of Dad's house, we decided to invest it into some more condo time. I feel like the condo is our "cabin in the woods" that we can use to escape the world and build relationships. If we bought a cabin it would be a lot more money, so we are excited for this extra time!
Tasha and Zane finally arrived for the holidays. Yea, Happy Day! It feels like the Christmas Season is officially here once they arrive. They weren't able to make if for dad's celebration, so we were doubly excited to see them when they got here.
The week before Christmas my work had a challenge for the costumes assigned during the week. I thought I was pretty crazy until I saw was some of the other campuses had done! It was lots of fun to spice up the work day with fun craziness!
For our annual work party we had the opportunity to have a Paint Party. Since Tasha was here I invited her to join us since she enjoys these parties. There was tons of good food, pot-luck by everybody, and a really fun paint instructor. We had a blast, but I'll admit, I didn't like how mine turned out. Paint parties are fun even if I'm not very good.
On December 23rd the family met at Grandma Olsen's house for Kiaya's blessing. Bishop Johnny Hepworth was also there to officiate. Kiaya looked so beautiful in the blessing gown that cousin Heidi had made.
Grandpa Bob performed the blessing. It was very beautiful and a very special day.
Christmas Eve
What a fun Christmas Eve! Robin's house was perfect for the party. We ate our traditional turkey dinner - with pistachio pudding salad of course - played some fun games, and then we opened our gifts.
Our Christmas PJ's were simple this year, just a white tee shirt that says, "I Wanna Hippopotamus for Christmas", For some reason everyone loves this annual tradition, so we keep doing it year after year.
I feel like it was a good Christmas this year. Most of us received Harry Potter wands, so we spent a good share of the day learning and casting spells at each other. I made photo books of Kiaya and Ish that Shandra and Tasha loved. I don't know why I feel such a need to preserve memories, but I just HAVE to! Zane and Kalel got a "poop" tossing game where they scored points for catching a squishy pile of fake poop. Of course they loved it! Ish's favorite gift was a set of drums that Kalel got for him. He was pretty good at playing them!
Kim's mom had a fairly good day, it was good to see her up and about all prettied up in her red sweater. Mickel made her wonderful candies for us again, something we always look forward to. After breakfast of ebelskivers by Kristiann we all headed off - Kim and I to take a long nap, Kalel went to his dad's, and the Hunzekers to Joyce and Gary's house. I just love having my whole family together for Christmas!
It is always a favorite time when Cyn comes to play. The entire family drops everything to play games together. I think family games are the best way to keep and improve family relationships. And Cyn is the best game player, EVER! During these games we laugh and talk and learn all about each other. Cyn has been so busy lately that it has been a long time since we have played together, so we were all thrilled when she was able to make it up for a fun, fun night.
Misc Pictures of Kiaya
I feel so blessed to be able to spend the Christmas season with my family. We have such great times together.