September 2020
Sad News: My cousin, Vaun Waite, suddenly passed away on September 4 from an apparent heart attack. He was only 52 years old. I feel so very sad for his family who is grieving so hard right now. I am so sad that we were not able to get together for our "Summer Thanksgiving Reunion" because of the stupid COVID restrictions. However, I am grateful that my sisters and I were able to give monetary help that was desperately needed.
Vaun's Funeral was very nice. It was just a graveside service, but there was a large crowd that traveled to attend. They opened it up for people to share memories of Vaun. Vaun was a racehorse trainer and many of the people who attended were associated with the horseracing world. Numerous people stood and told stories of how hardworking, kind, and service-oriented he was. It really got me thinking. I have said this many times, and I truly mean it, I am so glad that I do not have to be a judge in heaven. I am glad that a merciful God who knows each of us intimately is the one who decides. Vaun did not go to church, his language was atrocious, he struggled with depression and used alcohol to excess. However, he truly loved with all of his heart. He would drop everything to help someone in need. He took strangers under his wing to mentor them. He taught his son, and his friends, how to work hard. In the whole scheme of things, I feel those traits are eternally valuable. I feel strongly that each of us is very imperfect and that a loving God will see our strengths and measure them against our failings in a way that a mortal cannot even imagine. I believe that is part of the reason that we are instructed to love everyone and not judge because we do not have the capacity to judge the way that Christ does.
Here is a fun picture of Vaun and his sisters Loni, Cari, and Jodi, from way back. So cute!
And here is a more current picture with my Aunt LonaRemember: While studying the Sunday lesson about the time the Lamanites and Nephites were given the sign of a day and night and day without darkness that signified that Christ was born, I read President Eyring's talk, "O Remember, Remember" from 2007. In his talk, President Eyring tells how he had been inspired to notice and write down the things that the Lord has done. He reminds us that with the rigors of daily life as well as that having a veil obstructing our memories of what it was like to live with Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ it is not easy to remember. Forgetting God has been a problem all throughout history. The Israelites forgot how they had been blessed with the parting of the Red Sea and the gift of manna. Nephites forgot the signs they saw when Christ was born. Satan works hard to have us take credit for the good things in life and forget the true source of our blessings. Studying today has given me a good wake up call to write down my spiritual experiences as well as to acknowledge the source of my blessings.
Peach Days Cancelled: Although Kim and I don't always attend all of the Peach Days activities, we know they are there. Main Street and Forest Street are always closed so displays, activities, and carnival rides can be set up.
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There was a display this year, but I could not find a picture of it! |
Skylar Wilding wedding: Jodi Wilding finally got her deepest desire - she is now an official grandma! Skylar and Sarah got married and Carson became an official member of the Wilding family. Skylar and Sarah's wedding was beautiful! It was held in Logan at the very same place that JoCee was married last year. Sarah had made most of the decorations herself and they were amazing! Cinderella was the theme and it was certainly worthy of the fairytale. We were some of the very first to arrive at the reception because we wanted to limit contact with people (of course we wore our masks).
Pandemic Updates: Strangely, Brigham city has remained in a green status as far as the pandemic is concerned and there are many people who take that as a sign that masks are not warranted. In fact, I was asked to join a group who were fighting against mandatory mask-wearing, especially at the schools (I declined). There has been a lot of controversy over masks. People have stated that they don't work or they don't allow adequate respiration and many people are fighting against wearing them because they state that being forced to wear them violates their rights. At this point, many stores and businesses have made it a stipulation that masks be worn in order to enter the facility. Of course, once inside, it is common to see people remove the masks. Everywhere plexiglass barriers have been set up to limit transmission of germs for workers behind counters. Lines have been painted on the floor directing traffic to direct people to go one way through the stores to limit contact, and places where people need to wait in line there are specific spots to stand that are six-feet apart from each other. After Memorial day there was a spike in cases in Utah to 200 new cases a day. This month Utah has spiked to 1100 new cases of COVID in one day!!!!!
There is a ton of controversy right now between COVID-19 and especially because the presidential election is coming in November. People are slinging mud in every direction, accusing others of things or protesting (both in words and violent riots). such as racism and socialism. Many people are grumbling about wearing masks and pandemic limitations. Supporters of President Trump or Joe Biden post ugly things all over social media. I feel very fortunate to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints where we have a living prophet to guide us. President Nelson often reminds us to not fear and to be kind. What great advice in a crazy world such as this!Eagle Gate Graduation: I have to admit, I was very disappointed in the graduation services for our last two cohorts of students. We knew it would be virtual because of the pandemic, but it ended up being a recorded YouTube video with one speaker and listing all of the names of the graduates for all of the campuses. They did show pictures of most of graduates. I felt that it was very impersonal and did not give the graduates enough praise for the completion of such a great endeavor.
Deck update: Building the deck has been one of the longest projects we have ever done! Between crazy work schedules and everything else going on, it seems as if the work is taking FOREVER! Luckily Little Miss is there to help! She loves to hammer and dig and use the screwdriver, often right at the place that the men want to work. The deck has cost us a fortune so far. I hope that when it is finally finished we will have a spot where we can sit and enjoy for many years to come.
Random Updates: Kalel has grown so fast these past few months! It seems as if his pants become shorter every day. He is now the same height as his mother. Along with the height, his voice has become very deep. Rapid growth into the teen years also has brought a surge of hard to manage hormones and emotions. He has frequent bouts of angry outbursts followed by teary remorse. His counselor has recommended that family therapy would be helpful, so we are going to look into finding a counselor for him, his mother, and we as grandparents if necessary. I remember how hard it is going through these changes.
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Driving around the town playing Pokemon Go |
Little Miss loves to be in any container! What a crazy little girl!
She loves her "Bruder" and he loves her. One of my very favorite things is to watch them play together. It makes my heart so happy!