Celebrating BJ's Birthday
This year BJ's birthday celebration started with balloons. We took five balloons (I thought 5 for each one of us, Tasha and Shandra thought 5 for five years) up to the Mantua Cemetery. Imagine our surprise when we found that there was so much snow piled up that we couldn't get to his headstone without totally soaking ourselves, so we settled for stoping at the gate.
We then all yelled, "Happy Birthday, BJ!" and let the balloons sail off towards heaven. Needless to say, Kalel loved it! There is just something amazing about watching balloons go higher and higher, soaring and seeming to dance as they rise.

After stuffing ourselves silly, we got down to the serious business of playing games!

Several years ago we decided that we would always celebrate BJ's birthday by doing the things that we know he loved - and his very favorite was playing games. One of the favorite games of the entire family is "BLURT". In this game a discription of a simple everyday item is read by one player and every other player shouts out the answer as quickly as they can. Quite often the mouth starts shouting before the brain is fully engaged, and the answers are hilarious! For example:
The clue: A body of land surrounded by water.
My answer: Pencil!
Obviously we spend a good share of the game laughing so hard that we have to stop to wipe away the tears from our eyes!
We had such a fun night that it was hard to see it end. Happy Birthday, BJ.
Hey when can I play BLURT with you? That would be a riot!