Food 4 Thought Friday

Breakfast What is something hanging over your head this week?
Getting my final paperwork ready and taking the TEAS test.
Lunch Name at least five things you do that you are proud "well-pleased" of.
(In no particular order)
I have a family who enjoys spending time together.
I read my scriptures every morning and try to live my life accordingly.
I am someone who has many friends.
Ummm, I’m sure that there is something else, but I can’t think of anything right now!
Dinner What is something you are always wanting to do, but never seem to be able to.
Right now I am thinking that clean the house is a good answer!
Midnight Snack What is your best way to cope with stress.
My best way to cope with stress is to dive into anything chocolate with a Dr. Pepper in one hand and a “Cinderella” book in the other.
Recipe of the Week (instead of your recipe for life, what is it just for this week?)
Looking forward to some catch-up time, hopefully getting my house somewhat in order, and then celebrating graduation in Park City with some friend from school!