It just so happened that Tasha's graduation and my commencement ceremony were on the same night. We were both getting our Associate of Science Degrees. Since we obviously couldn't attend both ceremonies, I decided that I would forgo mine and attend hers. The decision wasn't very difficut for several reasons. First of all, Tasha has completed what she set out to do, to complete her Associate's and begin her practice as a massage therapist. In addition, my commencement was actually scheduled three weeks prior to completely the semester, so I wasn't sure that I would even earn my degree! Also, I have not completed my program yet, an Associate's is just a stepping stone. Besides that, I am so very proud of her, how could I miss this special occasion to celebrate with her.
I am so very grateful to my friends and family! Not only did they take the time to celebrate Tasha's special night, they also gave me my own special graduation ceremony. Could anything be better!

It was such as great ceremony! As the graduates walked in they were accompanied by bagpipes! The speakers were all very good, and they kept their remarks brief. Kalel loved all of the clapping, he clapped for everyone, and was quite insistent that we did too! It was a very special occasion, and I am so proud of Tasha.
Imagine my suprise when we arrived at our friend's house for a celebratory dinner. As we were getting out of the car, Tash asked me to carry her cap and gown into the house. I told her I would, and then she told me that it would be fun for me to try them on. I started to get a little suspecious, but did as she asked. We walked into the house, and there was the entire family as well as Shandra lined up, clapping and cheering as I walked in. Cyn was playing "Pomp and Circumstance" on the piano, and Shandra presented me with my "diploma". It was so fun!
