Blog Challenge #15 Write - 15 interesting facts about yourself

Write 15 interesting facts about yourself

  1.       I have ‘Word Salad’.  That is a condition where I substitute one word for a totally different word that is usually unrelated (see the sidebar “Audrey’s latest”  for examples)
   2.       I learned to ride a motorcycle when I was quite young.  Before I had my driver’s license I would push my bike several blocks to the mountains with my friend, Jody, and we would ride all over.  My parents insisted that when I got my license I had to get a motorcycle license too.
   3.       I graduated from nursing school at 53, and I’m still going to school.
   4.       I knew that I was going to marry my husband the first time that I met him.
   5.       I love scrapbooking (although I haven’t done much since I started school).  I have volumes and volumes that are completed.  I love to go back and remember all of the great times I have had in my life.  In addition, I feel it important that we leave memories to our posterity so that they can know what we were like.
   6.       I love going to see plays, especially musicals or comedies.  I try to go every chance I get.
   7.       I studied one semester abroad in Spain before I was married. 
   8.       I consume more cold cereal and oatmeal than probably anyone else in the world
   9.       I hate driving – or more precisely I have travelling in a car.  Besides the fact that I get nervous, I feel that it is just a waste a waste of time.  It doesn't matter if I am driving somewhere that takes 10 hours or 10 minutes, I just want to BE there.  I don’t enjoy the ride at all.
   10.   I enjoy helping others and the blessings I receive for doing so (this is true, but a good friend insisted that I include it ).
   11.   I am addicted to computers.  I almost go into withdrawal if there is no computer available!  I love to search for answers to questions, find out how to do things, blog, email, search Pinterest for very cool things that I will never do, play games, and of course learn about all of my friends through Facebook. 
   12.   I can’t fall asleep unless I am watching TV.  If I am slumbering with friends, then I listen to books on my phone or watch old sitcoms on Netflix with earphones.  On the rare occasions when there is no electronic device to entertain me, I daydream that I win the lottery of $12 million, and I force myself to focus on every detail of having that much money, who I would give some to, what I would spend it on, etc.  I have to do this to focus on something otherwise I start to worry about a million things that I have no control over and I can’t sleep.
   13.   I am the only person I know who failed pottery in high school.  Obviously making things with my hands is not a talent I was born with.
   14.   I have a habit of breaking out into song or dance.  The worst part is that I rarely remember the correct words to the song I start singing so they are quite nonsensical, and often off tune.  When I break into dance I usually start by feeling a ballet pose coming on and then start dancing.  However, I only do ballet-type dances which is unfortunate because I don’t know how to dance ballet.

   15.   I have a very firm testimony of the truthfulness of the teachings of Jesus Christ.  I know without a doubt that after this life there is a wonderful place where we go to continue learning and growing and that we can be surrounded by our loved ones there.  I know that Jesus Christ atoned for each one of us, including me personally.  I know that God knows me personally by name and wants only the best for me.  I know trials and heartaches happen to good people as well as bad and that is okay for there needs to be opposition in all things.  I know that I am a Child of God. 


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