Right Place at the Right Time
Unfortunately, the water was over his head. I looked around to see if any of the teachers in the pool had seen him, but they were all focused on their classes and were turned away from where the boy was. I soon realized that no one except Shandra and I had seen the boy get into the water. So I jumped up and ran to the side of the pool, reached in, and pulled him to safety.
He was scared but not injured at all. I took his hand and started walking to the building, looking all around to see if I could find his mom. Finally she came out of the building and noticed that her son was crying. She had another one of her children in the bathroom and didn't realize that her son had come out to the pool. I could see the confusion in her face and then the realization that her son had been in real danger.
I am so glad that I was there today! I am so glad that I was able to help! It was amazing in that I really wasn't nervous at all, it just felt like a case of Déjà vu from years ago when I worked at the pool. I didn't think that I had any extra adrenaline, but after we got the young man settled I looked down and realized that my knee was all bloody. Apparently I dropped to the deck harder and faster that I thought!
I definitely was at the right place at the right time today - thank goodness!