September Challenge Day #27--What are your greatest fears/phobias?
I hate heights! I can't even ride a Ferris Wheel without total panic! The thoughts of going to the Grand Canyon and looking down make me physically sick.
Perhaps the phobia that affects my everyday (winter) life is driving or riding in a car in snow. For some reason I am absolutely and totally terrified while driving in a snowstorm. I feel such a loss of control -for myself, the driver, and every other car on the road. Unfortunately this phobia makes me an unpopular traveler during the winter months!

Another great fear of mine is the fear that I am not good enough, as a mother, as a wife, as a homemaker, as a friend, as a nurse, as a Mormon, and as a daughter of God. Fortunately I am able to tame this fear and keep it somewhat under control most of the time. I only lose control of it when I start comparing myself to others - usually comparing my faults to other's positive traits. I struggle with this fear when I get depressed. Thank goodness for great friend and family members who help me keep this phobia down to a manageable level. Also, I am SO grateful for the knowledge of the atonement of Jesus Christ as well as the love He has for me. Knowing He loves me and that He paid the price to make up any deficit that I may have helps more than anything!
Perhaps the phobia that affects my everyday (winter) life is driving or riding in a car in snow. For some reason I am absolutely and totally terrified while driving in a snowstorm. I feel such a loss of control -for myself, the driver, and every other car on the road. Unfortunately this phobia makes me an unpopular traveler during the winter months!
Another great fear of mine is the fear that I am not good enough, as a mother, as a wife, as a homemaker, as a friend, as a nurse, as a Mormon, and as a daughter of God. Fortunately I am able to tame this fear and keep it somewhat under control most of the time. I only lose control of it when I start comparing myself to others - usually comparing my faults to other's positive traits. I struggle with this fear when I get depressed. Thank goodness for great friend and family members who help me keep this phobia down to a manageable level. Also, I am SO grateful for the knowledge of the atonement of Jesus Christ as well as the love He has for me. Knowing He loves me and that He paid the price to make up any deficit that I may have helps more than anything!